An [XQuery] was executed to join [eventList.xml] and [sessionUst.xml] (referenced in a separate window) and obtain the following [Expected Execution Result].
However, executing this [XQuery] resulted in an error.
Consider the structure of XML when storing date information as XML data. You must aggregate data for each calendar year from this XML data. Assume that statistical values related to the storage and retrieval of date information in a certain XMLDB is as follows:
[Date Information XML Structure A]
[Date Information XML Structure B]
[Statistical Values] (assumed)
The search for one date node (XML structure A) or one y node (XML structure B) takes one microsecond in either case, regardless of search path.
With respect to structure A, two microseconds are required for each date node to determine whether the date element value matches the search year.
With respect to structure B, one microsecond is required for each y node to determine whether they element value is the same as the search year value.
The number of date elements at the initial state is 2000.
The number of date elements will increase with future updates; however, this is not a consideration for this question.
Insertion of a new date element under structure A takes 10 microseconds.
Insertion of a new date element under structure B takes 20 microseconds.
Do not consider any facts or conditions other than those noted above.
When the average number of new date element insertions per month is 20, and the average number of calendar date information searches per month is 10, which is the most effective XML structure in improving overall execution efficiency for insertions and searches?
A certain store engages in Internet commerce, managing customer information via XMLDB. Customers register as a user through a webpage, and are allowed to view their own information so they can edit their information themselves through a webpage interface. The store's Web application saves the customer information in an XMLDB, and retrieves data from the XMLDB as necessary. The XML data including customer information is as shown in [CUSTOMER.xml] referenced in a separate window.
The XMLDB account when the Web application connects to the XMLDB is WEBAPP.
A person at the store is in charge of processing payments (access to all registered customer information), and this person's XMLDB account is COUNTER.
A person at the store is in charge of product shipments (access to all registered customer information except for payment information ("payment element")), and this person's XMLDB account is SHIPPER.
Do not consider XMLDB accounts other than those noted above.
Each account authorization in the XMLDB is presently configured as follows: The WEBAPP account has permission to update and view [CUSTOMER xml]
Other accounts have permission to view [CUSTOMER.xml]
Which is the most appropriate method in this situation regarding XMLDB account authorizations'?
Assume that this XMLDB has a view creation function (function to show only certain XML data in response to a certain query)
Assume that for [XML Document] referenced in a separate window, you wish to create an XML Schema document that defines that the value of the level element must be unique within the XML document. Which of the following correctly describes the XML Schema document?
[XML Document]
Assume the use of XML Data like [XML Data] referenced in a separate window. When a data element is present in XML Data, there are three possibilities for b element as shown in [XML Data b Element] (separate window). No other possibilities are available.
Consider inserting any XML data into an XMLDB using the methods shown in [Operation 1] or [Operation 2].
[Operation 2]
After validating against the following [DTD], insert XML data (having no validation errors) into the XMLDB (do not consider the existence of a document type declaration in the XML data).
When the b element value is "null", the value of the b element is null.
When the b element value is a character string other than "null", the b element value is 1 in [XML Data b Element].
When the b element is an empty element, the b element value is 2 in [XML Data b Element].