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Refer to the exhibit.
A company has created a compliance policy with the following rules:
Recently, the Android device was marked as non-compliant. The VMware Workspace ONE UGM administrator found that the Facebook application was installed on the device and that a passcode was not present. However, after the user removed the Facebook app and created a device passcode, the Android device still shows as non-compliant in the VMware Workspace ONE UEM console. Other devices within this organization all show as compliant.
Which two root causes could possibly cause this problem? (Choose two.)
An administrator working with the VMware Workspace ONE UEM product suite is encountering issues when to enroll .OS devices basic users. VMware Workspace ONE UEM service or component logs should be gathered by the administrator to determine a root cause?
The VMware Workspace ONE UEM service or component logs that should be gathered by the administrator to determine a root cause are Device Services logs. Device Services is a component of Workspace ONE UEM that handles device enrollment, management, and communication. Device Services also hosts the AWCM service, which is responsible for delivering push notifications to devices. If iOS devices are unable to enroll using basic users, it could indicate that there is a problem with Device Services configuration, connectivity, or synchronization. The administrator should gather and analyze the Device Services logs to identify and troubleshoot the issue.
When an organization administrator attempts to configure a shared SaaS Workspace ONE UEM environment to use their internal Active Directory Certificate Authority, "Test Connection" fails.
For which service should the organization administrator enable verbose logging to resolve this issued?
An organization has successfully used VMware Workspace ONE UEM to deploy a managed, public application to Android, iOS, and Windows devices in the same OG for the last year.
The Windows and Android users can still install this application The iOS device users, however, report that they can see and install other applications in the VMware Workspace ONE Catalog, but suddenly they are unable to see this application in the VMware Workspace ONE Catalog.
What is the most likely cause of this issue?
A misconfigured application assignment via a smart group would affect all devices in the smart group, not just iOS devices.
A misconfigured application assignment via the enrollment type would affect all devices with the same enrollment type, not just iOS devices.
An expired Apple sToken would prevent the organization from purchasing or distributing new applications from Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager, but it would not affect the existing applications in the Workspace ONE Catalog.
An organization has successfully deployed native applications to VMware Workspace ONE managed Android, iOS, and Windows devices in the same OG.
The organization administrator just configured VMware Workspace ONE to provide all those same devices access to a SaaS application that was previously successfully integrated with the organization's VMware Workspace ONE Access tenant. Windows and Android users can access this SaaS application, but iOS device users report that they are unable to see this application in the VMware Workspace ONE Catalog.
What is the most likely cause of this issue?