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Which vCenter component is used by the NSX Manager to deploy the Partner Service VM on every host of a cluster configured for guest introspection?
Component Manager is used to deploy the Partner Service VM on every host of a cluster configured for guest introspection.
A customer has deployed NSX Intelligence appliance with an incorrect IP address.
What should the customer do to correct the IP address?
In the Cloud Director UI (CU), the customer should update the intelligence manager node's host-ip-addr parameter with the correct IP address. This can be done from the NSX Intelligence Settings page in the CU.
At which OSI Layer do Next Generation Firewalls capable of analyzing application traffic operate?
Next Generation Firewalls are capable of analyzing application traffic at Layer 7 of the OSI model. Layer 7 is the Application Layer, which is where the application-level protocols, such as HTTP and FTP, are implemented. Next Generation Firewalls are able to inspect the application traffic and apply rules based on the content of the application-level packets.
For more information on the OSI model and Next Generation Firewalls, please refer to the following resources:
Which two criteria would an administrator use to filter firewall connection logs on NSX?
An administrator can use the FIREWALL RULE TAG and FIREWALL CONNECTION criteria to filter the logs on NSX. The FIREWALL RULE TAG criteria allows the administrator to filter the logs based on the tag assigned to each rule, while the FIREWALL CONNECTION criteria allows the administrator to filter the logs based on the connection status (e.g. accepted or denied).