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A tenant user wants to increase the size of a VM's hard disk in the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal.
Which Organization VDC setting can prevent this from actually occurring?
- We can increase the size of an existing hard disk if the virtual machine is not a linked clone and it has no snapshots.
- Fast provisioning saves time by using linked clones for virtual machine provisioning operations.
- A linked clone is a duplicate of a virtual machine that uses the same base disk as the original, with a chain of delta disks to keep track of the differences between the original and the clone.
An individual is logged into the VMware Cloud Director tenant portal as organization administrator and would like to create a direct organization virtual data center network. The individual, however, receives a message that insufficient rights are held.
Which role is needed to complete this task?
What is the default user account for managing VMware vCloud Meter service and viewing log files in the VMware vCloud Usage Meter web interface?
An administrator is trying to add a new Provider VDC and wants to consume the vSphere storage policy immediately.
Which action should the System Administrator take next?
An administrator is planning a new VMware Cloud Director deployment and is concerned about secure communications between the clients and servers.
Which two recommended steps would ensure secure communications between the clients and servers? (Choose two.)