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A vSAN administrator is planning to deploy a new vSAN cluster with these requirements:
Which two actions should be taken to configure the new vSAN cluster to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)
An administrator has been tasked with upgrading existing vSAN OSA cluster hosts with a SSD cache device per host to a NVMe device (hot plug).
Which fact should guide the administrator's action?
What are two characteristics of the vSAN Data-At-Rest Encryption (DARE)? (Choose two.)
A vSAN administrator has a vSAN cluster that is using vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) to manage hypervisor, server drivers, and firmware. All hosts in the cluster are compliant according to the vLCM image.
A 10GB NIC on the servers is experiencing issues, and the vSAN administrator determines a new network driver will resolve the problem. Unfortunately, the required NIC driver is a newer version compared to the driver provided by the most recent Vendor Add-on.
Which action should the vSAN administrator take to ensure the latest network driver is installed on the NIC before remediation?
An administrator is performing maintenance on the hosts in a four-node vSAN cluster and has selected the "Ensure Accessibility" maintenance mode option. All VMs are running with the Default Storage Policy which has not been modified from the default settings.
While one of the hosts in the cluster is down for firmware upgrade, a second host suddenly loses network connectivity to the remaining hosts.
How will the cluster be affected?