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A customer has upgraded to vSAN 7, but there is still an existing legacy host which must be removed from the vSAN cluster.
Which three steps must an administrator take to successfully remove this host from the vSAN cluster? (Choose three.)
An administrator is tasked with preparing for a Cross vCenter migration in a stretched vSAN cluster where the virtual machines migration will be orchestrated via VMware Site Recovery Manager.
Which action should the administrator take so the migration is successful?
An architect is working with vSAN and setting the fault domains to support FTT=1.
How many fault domains will be needed?
An administrator has received an alert indicating that a single capacity device is close to failing within the production vSAN Cluster. The administrator must now complete preemptive maintenance on the vSAN Cluster without impacting the availability of workloads or vSAN File Services.
The following information is known about the vSAN Cluster:
* vSAN 7.x Cluster
* vSAN node count: 8
* De-Duplication and Compression: Enabled.
* Encryption: Disabled
* Current Utilization: 45%
* Disk Groups: 2
* Devices per node: 2 x 400 GB SSD, 6 x 1.8 TB SSD
Which three steps should the administrator take to successfully complete the task? (Choose three.)
If you upgrade the capacity device, verify the following requirements:
- Verify that the cluster contains enough space to migrate the data from the capacity device.
- Place the host in maintenance mode. See Place a Member of Virtual SAN Cluster in Maintenance Mode.
'Select the flash capacity device or magnetic disk, and click Remove selected disk(s) from disk group.'
An architect is currently working with a customer to transform their existing ESXi hosts to vSAN nodes. The customer expressed the following requirements.
* First phase will transform 50% of the hosts to a hybrid vSAN nodes.
* Second phase will transform the remaining 50% hosts to an All-Flash vSAN nodes.
The following constraint exists:
* Each host has a 4-port x 1 GbE network interface.
Which two recommendations should the architect make to align with the customer's requirements? (Choose two.)