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A company has decided to implement RDS Application Pools. Its current server standard is Windows Server 2008 R2. The application requires access to a client USB device.
What must be done to allow USB redirection for this setup?
A customer with Horizon has decided to implement Workspace One for mobile management and Single-Sign On access to Horizon entitlements. The customer plans to use cloud services when possible. A decision is made to use cloud-hosted Workspace One.
Which component must be deployed on-premises to support the scenario?
A university struggles with Windows application delivery for its students. Students only need a few applications, but since IT is not in control of the Windows versions on the endpoints, it has been a challenge. IT wants to allow for self-service to minimize administration. Despite self-service, IT must be able to revoke access to applications within 30 days from students leaving the University.
Which two solutions support the university's requirements? (Choose two.)
During a design workshop, an architect discovers that a customer plans to deploy Arc GIS and AutoCAD applications to a subi of VDI users. The project will scale to 1500 general purpose desktops, 50 AutoCAD users and 25 ArcGIS users. Planned redundancy must allow one host to be removed from any cluster for maintenance while still accomodating all users.
Desktops will be configured for each of the user groups:
* General purpose - 2vCPU, 2GB RAM, 40GB HOD, Windows 7
* AutoCAD - 4vCPU, 16GB RAM, 200GB HOD, Windows 7
* ArcGIS - 4vCPU, 8GB RAM, 500GB HOD, Windows 10
Referring to the exhibit, which two cluster configurations are recomended to support these desktop pools? {Choose two.)
A small government organization wants to implement stateless desktops using VMware products. The IT team is unable to add or alter any GPO in the organization's Active Directory. It wants to minimize the storage space required for the user VMs and preserve user's profiles and other personalization settings.
Which accomplishes these goals?