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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by VMware in their VMware 3V0-32.21 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their VMware Advanced Design VMware Cloud Management and Automation exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the VMware 3V0-32.21 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
A customer has asked to have a vSphere cluster and Cloud Zone dedicated for Cloud Template development. The customer is going use the Cloud.vSphere.Machine compute resource type and they have been unable to quantify values for Favor Mappings during a requirements gathering exercise.
Which Flavor Mapping decision should be made for the Cloud Zone?
A customer wants to collect data from 120,000 objects and given the vRealize Operations sizing guide: (See exhibit.)
Assuming the customer has no requirements for continuous availability or high availability, what recommendation for the quantity and type of nodes should the architect provide?
An organization has onboarded a new business unit whose role is to test the applications 5 days prior to the release date. The Service Broker administrator should allow a 2-day extension for these deployments before they are deleted permanently.
Which two options must be configured in the lease policy to meet the requirements? (Choose two.)
An architect is tasked with the following:
Build a private cloud solution for an organization using VMware vRealize Automation.
This private cloud needs to manage two different datacenters separated geographically.
The private cloud solution needs to be highly available.
Which of the following approaches can the architect take to achieve this?
Note: VMware Identity Manager has been renamed as VMware Workspace ONE Access.
A customer wants to implement vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager (vRSLCM) as a part of a new SDDC deployment.
The customer has two physical data centers and number of branch offices.
The customer has recently purchased Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) hardware that has to be implemented and configured.
The customer has a target availability Service Level Agreement (SLA) of 99.99%, measured quarterly, for the management components.
Which recommendation should the architect make to achieve the requirements?