At ValidExamDumps, we consistently monitor updates to the VMware 3V0-31.22 exam questions by VMware. Whenever our team identifies changes in the exam questions,exam objectives, exam focus areas or in exam requirements, We immediately update our exam questions for both PDF and online practice exams. This commitment ensures our customers always have access to the most current and accurate questions. By preparing with these actual questions, our customers can successfully pass the VMware Advanced Deploy VMware vRealize Automation 8.x (v2) exam on their first attempt without needing additional materials or study guides.
Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by VMware in their VMware 3V0-31.22 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their VMware Advanced Deploy VMware vRealize Automation 8.x (v2) exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the VMware 3V0-31.22 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
As the Cloud Administrator you have been tasked to troubleshoot and resolve the following issues raised by the developers on the Uranus Project:
* Developers have reported that Deployments are not getting deleted as per the company lease policy.
* The Uranus Project Team Leader is responsible for approving all snapshot create requests for deployments based only on the Uranus Server blueprint, however, they have received no requests so far.
* Developers have reported that they do not have the option to revert to existing snapshots for vSphere deployments.
Once you have completed your changes, deploy the Uranus Server Catalog Item to verify all the issues have been resolved.
NOTE: One or more of the tasks above may take some time to complete. For expediency, it is recommended that once the task has started successfully that you continue with the exam and return later to confirm the task has been completed successfully. There are no dependencies between any questions and therefore the successful completion of this question does not impact the ability to attempt any other question in this exam.
Information required to complete the tasks:
General Information;
* vRealize Automation FQDN: vr-aulomation.corp.local
* Cloud Administrator Username: vcapadmin@corp. local
* Cloud Administrator Password: VMware1!
* Project: Uranus
* Project Team Leader: vcapadmin@corp. local
* Blueprint Name: Uranus Server
* Deployment Name: Uranus-Check-Policies
Policy Information:
* Lease Policy name: Uranus - Lease Policy
* Lease Policy maximum lease period: 30 days
* Lease Policy maximum total lease period: 30 days
* Lease Policy grace period: 0 days
* Lease Policy scope: Uranus Project
* Day 2 Action Policy name: Uranus - Day 2 Actions Policy
* Approval Policy name: Uranus - Snapshot Approval Policy
To troubleshoot and resolve the issues for the Uranus Project, you should take the following steps:
Deployments Not Getting Deleted as per Lease Policy:
Snapshot Create Requests Not Received for Approval:
Option to Revert to Existing Snapshots Not Available:
After making the necessary changes, deploy the Uranus Server Catalog Item with the deployment name ''Uranus-Check-Policies'' to verify that all issues have been resolved. Monitor the deployment process and check if the lease policy is enforced, snapshot approval requests are generated, and developers can revert to existing snapshots as expected.
The Saturn Project team has been tasked to develop a Virtual Machine Snapshot workflow. However, when completing initial testing, the workflow does not work. As the Cloud Administrator. you have been tasked with the following:
1. Ensure that the vCenter Server is included in the vRO inventory.
2. Review, troubleshoot and resolve any issues in the workflow.
3. Make sure the workflow runs successfully.
4. Make sure all snapshots created by the workflow follow the required naming standard.
Information required to complete the task:
* vRealize Automation URL. vr-automation.cofp.local
* Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
* Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!
* vCenter Connection properties:
* vRealize Orchestrator Workflow: Create a Salurn Snapshot
o Workflow Details:
o Inputs:
* vm [VC:VirtualMachine]
* name [string)
o Outputs:
* snapshot (VC:VirtualMachineSnapshot]
* Workflow Run Details:
o Target Virtual Machine: core-A
o Name: q7
* Snapshot naming standard: [name]-|VM Name]-Saturn-snapshot
To address the tasks for the Saturn Project regarding the Virtual Machine Snapshot workflow, follow these steps:
Task 1: Ensure vCenter Server is in vRO Inventory
Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
Navigate toLibrary > Workflowsand search for workflows related to vCenter configuration.
Task 2: Troubleshoot and Resolve Workflow Issues
Review the workflow namedCreate a Saturn Snapshotfor any errors or misconfigurations.
Ensure that all inputs and outputs are correctly defined and that the workflow logic is accurate.
Check the vRO logs for any errors related to the workflow execution.
Task 3: Ensure Workflow Runs Successfully
After resolving any issues, run the workflow with the target virtual machinecore-Aand the nameq7.
Verify that the workflow completes successfully and that the snapshot is created.
Task 4: Adhere to Naming Standard
Modify the workflow to ensure that the naming standard for snapshots follows the format:[name]-[VM Name]-Saturn-snapshot.
This can be done by adding a scriptable task in the workflow that constructs the snapshot name using the provided inputs and the naming standard.
Use the following code snippet in the scriptable task to set the snapshot name:
var snapshotName = name + '-' + + '-Saturn-snapshot';
// Use snapshotName variable when creating the snapshot
By following these steps, you should be able to ensure the vCenter Server is included in the vRO inventory, troubleshoot and resolve any issues with the workflow, run the workflow successfully, and adhere to the required snapshot naming standard.
As the Cloud Administrator. you have been tasked to troubleshoot and fix errors of an existing cloud template. You must ensure:
1. VM resource uses storage tag:
* Key: storage. Value: gold
2. Network resource uses network tag:
* Key: net
* Value: nsx-routed
3. Configure NSX Network Type: routed
4. A virtual machine can be successfully deployed from the cloud template using the information provided.
NOTE: One or more of the tasks above may take some time to complete For expediency, it is recommended that once the task has started successfully that you continue with the exam and return later to confirm the task has been completed successfully. There are no dependencies between any_questions and therefore the successful completion of this question does no! impact the ability to attempt any_others_guestion in this exam.
NOTE: Not all available tags will appear on the tag selection drop-down when you're editing the cloud template.
Information required to complete the tasks:
* vRealize Automation URL: vr-aulomation.oorp.local
* Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
* Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!
* Project Name: Earth
* Cloud Template name: Earth-TS-Fix
* Deployment name: Earth-Fixed
* Hostname: earth-fixed
NOTE: Do not create any new profit or tags.
To troubleshoot and fix the errors in the existing cloud template and ensure the requirements are met, you can follow these steps:
Ensure VM Resource Uses Storage Tag:
Edit the cloud template named Earth-TS-Fix.
Locate the VM resource definition.
Add or update the storage tag to use the key storage with the value gold:
- key: storage
value: gold
Ensure Network Resource Uses Network Tag:
Within the same cloud template, find the network resource definition.
Add or update the network tag to use the key net with the value nsx-routed:
- key: net
value: nsx-routed
Configure NSX Network Type: Routed:
Still in the cloud template, ensure the network profile is set to a routed network type by specifying the appropriate network profile that has been pre-configured with the routed type.
- network: '${}'
networkType: routed
Deploy Virtual Machine from the Cloud Template:
Save the changes to the cloud template.
Initiate a deployment using the Earth-Fixed deployment name and verify that the virtual machine deploys successfully with the specified hostname earth-fixed.
Monitor the deployment process and ensure that the VM and network resources are correctly tagged and that the network is configured as routed.
As the Cloud Administrator, you have been tasked lo complete the following tasks tor the Pluto Project.
1. Configure the following on the network nsx-pluto-existing in the network profile called Pluto Networks
a. IPv4 CIDR:
b. IPv4 Gateway:
c Default Domain: corp.local d. Assign a Capability Tag:
* key: net
* value: existing
2. Define a new IP Range on the nsx-pluto-existing network that has the following configuration:
a. Network IP Range Name: pluto-existing-range b IP Range:
3. Assign a new capability tag to the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group:
a. key: sg
b. value: plutodatabase
4. Update the Pluto Networks Network Profile:
a. Ensure it only has the following networks assigned:
i. nsx-pluto-extemal
ii. nsx-pluto-existing
iii. nsx-pluto-outbound b Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy c. Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile:
i. key: net ii. value: pluto
To complete the tasks for the Pluto Project as a Cloud Administrator, you would follow these steps:
Task 1: Configure Network nsx-pluto-existing in Pluto Networks Profile
Access the vRealize Automation console.
Navigate toInfrastructure>Configure>Network Profiles.
Select the ''Pluto Networks'' profile.
Configure the network nsx-pluto-existing with the following settings:
IPv4 Gateway:
Default Domain:corp.local
Assign a Capability Tag with key:netand value:existing.
Task 2: Define a New IP Range
Within the ''Pluto Networks'' profile, select the nsx-pluto-existing network.
Add a new IP Range with the following configuration:
Network IP Range Name:pluto-existing-range
IP Range:
Task 3: Assign Capability Tag to sgPlutoDatabase Security Group
Locate the sgPlutoDatabase Security Group within the vRealize Automation console.
Assign a new capability tag to the security group with key:sgand value:plutodatabase.
Task 4: Update the Pluto Networks Network Profile
Ensure the Pluto Networks profile includes only the following networks:
Configure nsx-pluto-outbound as the external network for the network policy.
Assign a new capability tag to the Pluto Networks network profile with key:netand value:pluto.
Please ensure to follow the specific steps and configurations as per your organization's standards and the vRealize Automation documentation for detailed instructions on each task
As the Cloud Administrator. you have been tasked with building a Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD) pipeline for the Oberon Project. The requirements for this pipeline are:
* The pipeline should deploy the monolithic application. OberonWeb. only it approved by the project leader.
* The requestor should be able to specify the name of the deployment at the request time.
The following information is required to complete the task:
* vRealize Automation FODN: vr-automation.corp.local
* Cloud Administrator Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
* Cloud Administrator Password: VMware1!
Pipeline Information:
* Project Name: Oberon
* Pipeline Name: OberonWeb
* Pipeline inputs:
o deploymentName
* Stage Name: OberonWebApp
* Pipeline Tasks
o Deployment Task
o Approval Task
Approval Task Information:
* Task Name: Approval Task
* Approvers: vcapadmin@corp. local
* Summary: Approval Task
* Description:
o This is an approval for $(input. deploymentName)
Deployment Task Information:
* Task Name: Deployment Task
* Cloud Template Name: Oberon Web
* Version: 1
Deployment Name: Oberon Web App Test Important Notes:
* You must run the Pipeline, but do not approve the task
To build the CI/CD pipeline for the Oberon Project with the specified requirements, you would perform the following steps in vRealize Automation:
Log in to the vRealize Automation console at vr-automation.corp.local using the provided Cloud Administrator credentials.
Navigate to the Code Stream service to access the pipeline management features.
Create a new pipeline with the name ''OberonWeb'' within the ''Oberon'' project.
Define the pipeline inputs to include deploymentName, which allows the requestor to specify the name of the deployment at request time.
Add a stage to the pipeline named ''OberonWebApp''.
Within the stage, add two tasks:
Deployment Task: Configure this task to deploy the ''Oberon Web'' cloud template, specifying the version as 1.
Approval Task: Set up this task with the name ''Approval Task'', and assign vcapadmin@corp.local as the approver. The summary should be ''Approval Task'', and the description should include the dynamic reference to the input deployment name, such as ''This is an approval for $(input.deploymentName)''.
Ensure that the Approval Task precedes the Deployment Task within the pipeline to enforce that the deployment only occurs after approval by the project leader.
Save the pipeline configuration.
Run the pipeline by initiating a new pipeline execution and providing a test deployment name when prompted, such as ''Oberon Web App Test''.
Do not approve the deployment when the Approval Task is triggered, as per the instructions.
By following these steps, you will have configured a CI/CD pipeline that meets the requirements of deploying the OberonWeb application only after approval by the project leader, and allows the requestor to specify the deployment name at the time of the request.