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During a requirements gathering workshop, the customer provides the following information:
Each host has 2 10 GbE NIC
EtherChannel is not currently configured
No changes can be made to the physical network
Network throughput must be prioritized for defined critical services
Which two recommendations should the architect make with regard to virtual networking? (Choose two.)
An architect is creating a network design for a new vSphere environment.
Based on customer requirements, the environment must support the following types of traffic:
Fault Tolerance
Virtual machine traffic, which cannot be impacted by other types of traffic
Which design recommendation can the architect make for a resilient infrastructure with vSphere network service tiering?
An architect will be taking over control of a former Linux server fleet and repurposing the hardware into a new vSphere cluster. The current environment is already connected to the network but the hosts do not have any local disks. Since the fleet hardware is uniform, the architect can use a single ESXi image. All hosts within the cluster have the same CPU and memory capacity.
Which ESXi deployment method should the architect use?
Both Stateless caching and Stateful Auto Deploy options store ESXi configuration or state on the host disk.
An architect is finalizing the design for a new vSphere platform based on the following information:
All Windows virtual machines will be hosted on a dedicated cluster for licensing purposes.
All Linux virtual machines will be hosted on a dedicated cluster for licensing purposes. All management virtual machines will be hosted on a dedicated cluster.
A total of ten physical sites will be used to host virtual machines.
In the event of one physical datacenter becoming unavailable, the manageability of the virtual infrastructure in the remaining data centers should not be impacted.
Access to configure the management virtual machines via vCenter Server must be controlled through the management Active Directory domain.
Access to configure the Windows and Linux virtual machines must be controlled through the resource Active Directory domain.
The management and resource Active Directory domains are part of separate Active Directory forests and do not have any trusts between them.
The design will use Active Directory with Integrated Windows Authentication.
How should the architect document the vCenter Server configuration for this design?
Following a company merger, there are two data centers running vSphere environments. Both data centers are leveraging separate Layer 3 vMotion networks.
Which requirement must be met in order to enable vMotion migration between these locations?