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An organization has purchased a SaaS Workspace ONE solution and wants to implement these:
integration with back-end resources like Active Directory from Microsoft to sync users and groups
Kerberos authentication
integration with Virtual Desktops and Applications from services (Horizon 7, Horizon Cloud, or Citrix)
third party integration with RSA SecureID, RADIUS for authentication
Which Workspace ONE component is required?
Which three are benefits of a Workspace ONE Content productivity application? (Choose three.)
If an administrator wants to leverage ThinApp packaged applications integrated with Workspace ONE Access, which of the following is the proper connector version to use?
Which two are IT-driven on-boarding workflows for Windows 10 devices? (Choose two.)
'With device staging, you can configure your Windows 10 devices for device management by Workspace ONE UEM before you send the devices to your end users.'
'The two staging methods are:
Manual Installation -- Download and install the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub and enter enrollment credentials. This method requires devices to be domain-joined before enrollment.
Command Line Installation -- Download the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub and then install and enroll the device using the command line.'
As per Vmware Textbook. 'IT-driven Windows 10 onboarding includes the following methods:
* Command-line interface (CLI) staging
* Manual device staging
* Bulk provisioning and enrollment
* Image-based enrollment
* Comanagement with SCCM and Workspace ONE UEM'
Where is Hub Services component co-located?
'The Workspace ONE Hub Services component is co-located with Workspace ONE Access and is dependent on Workspace ONE Access for shared services.'