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Which two Windows Server Operating Systems are supported by VMware Horizon 8? (Choose two.)
An administrator has added a support PCI graphics accelerator to a virtual machine configuration. Which the administrator tries to power on the virtual machine, an error is displayed and the virtual machine remains powered off.
Which of the following virtual machine configuration settings needs to be applied to enable the virtual machine to power on?
An administrator sees a lot of instant-clone template VM's that are not in use anymore in vCenter.
What tool needs to be used to clean up old templates?
On the Connection Server are three utilities that you can use for the maintenance of instant-clone VMs in vCenter Server and the clusters that the VMs are in. The utilities are IcMaint.cmd, IcUnprotect.cmd, and IcCleanup.cmd and are located in C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin.
What is the effect of changing any VMware Blast policy that cannot be changed in real time?
Applying VMware Blast Policy Settings
If the following VMware Blast policies change during a client session, Horizon Client detects the change and immediately applies the new setting.
Audio Playback
Max Session Bandwidth
Min Session Bandwidth
Max Frame Rate
Image Quality
For all other VMware Blast policies, Microsoft GPO update rules apply. GPOs can be updated manually or by restarting the Horizon Agent machine. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation.
Which are the required permissions an administrator must assign to the user account for instant-clone operations in active directory before creating instant-clone desktop pools? (Choose three.)