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A cloud administrator is asked to validate a proposed internetworking design that will provide connectivity to a VMware Cloud on AWS environment from multiple company locations.
The following requirements must be met:
* Connectivity to the VMware Cloud on AWS environment must support high-throughput data transfer.
* Connectivity to the VMware Cloud on AWS environment must NOT have a single point of failure.
* Any network traffic between on-premises company locations must be sent over a private IP address space.
Which design decisions should be made to meet these network connectivity requirements?
Option C is the best design decision that meets the network connectivity requirements. Configuring a Direct Connect from headquarters to VMware Cloud on AWS with a private VIF will ensure high-throughput data transfer and eliminate the single point of failure. To ensure that all network traffic between on-premises company locations is sent over a private IP address space, a route-based IPsec VPN tunnel should be configured as a secondary method of connectivity from headquarters to VMware Cloud on AWS, taking care to enable the 'Use VPN as Backup to Direct Connect' option. Finally, dual, redundant, route-based IPsec VPN connections should be configured from each regional office to VMware Cloud on AWS.
What are two key benefits of VMware's partnerships with hyperscalers? (Choose two.)
A cloud administrator wants to deploy a VMware Cloud software-defined data center (SDDC) on a cloud provider and requires a consistent 4.5 Gbps bandwidth from applications to communicate from on-premises to the SDDC. Which type of connection should be used for this type of traffic?
According to the VMware official site, 'Route-based VPN enables a secure connection between two or more sites, or between a site and a mobile user, and provides better performance and scalability than a policy-based VPN. Route-based VPNs are also more secure than policy-based VPNs, because the traffic is encrypted with a unique encryption key for each tunnel, rather than relying on a shared key for all tunnels. This allows for secure and reliable connections for devices and applications located in different physical locations.' [1]
When preparing to deploy VMware Cloud on Dell EMC or VMware Cloud on AWS Outposts In a data center, which two physical constraints must be considered? (Choose two.)
A cloud administrator establishes a VPN connection to the VMware Cloud data center but Is unable to access the VMware Cloud vCenter. Which step can the administrator take to resolve this?
By default, the management gateway firewall is set to deny all traffic between the internet and vCenter Server. Verify that the appropriate firewall rules are in place.
The administrator can create an NSX firewall rule in the VMware Cloud data center that allows access to the vCenter from the on-premises data center. This would allow the VPN connection to connect to the vCenter, allowing the administrator to access and manage the VMware Cloud environment.