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An administrator is preparing for a clustered deployment of vRealize Automation.
Which three ports are required for the successful communication between vRealize Automation components? (Choose three.)
An administrator is trying to synchronize a new cloud template into the App-Dev project. The administrator copies the cloud template code directly from Cloud Assembly into a text file and uploads it into the Github repository so that it can be synchronized to the App-Dev project.
When the administrator clicks 'Synch Repos', a new cloud template does not appear.
Which step must the administrator take to allow it to synchronize from the Github repository?
Assuming no additional inputs have been added to the cloud template and the custom form is not enabled, which two fields are always flagged as mandatory when requesting a catalog item? (Choose two.)
An administrator creates a custom form for a RHEL cloud template. A user reports only being able to see the standard form when requesting the cloud template.
Which step should the administrator take to resolve this issue?
Service Broker - Content & Policies - Content - pick one blue print content and there are 3 little dots and a left side submenu for each content, click Customize Form - after Customization click Enable
Custom forms is not a feature that have to be enabled on the Service Broker level. They are enabled on a per-catalog item basis so this answer makes the most sense.
An enterprise organization has a library of Terraform configurations for creating and managing its infrastructure resources.
What enhanced capability will be introduced by leveraging the vRealize Automation Terraform Service? (Choose the best answer.)