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A vSphere Administrator configures Quick Boot to restart an ESXi host without rebooting the physical hardware.
In order to troubleshoot any ESXi Quick Boot issues which log file needs to be reviewed?
A new AD domain has just been added to vSphere as an identity source. This new domain has a user group called administrators group.
Which role do the administrators group users have by default, when authenticated to vCenter Server?
No Access Role The administrator of the vCenter Single Sign-On domain, administrator@vsphere.local by default, the root user, and vpxuser are assigned the Administrator role by default. Other users are assigned the No Access role by default.
An administrator needs to identify where the VM encryption settings are stored. Which file stores the encryption setting?
Which feature allows a vSphere administrator to reduce power consumption on a cluster?
What happens within the network when a customer uses a vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) and vCenter is offline?