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Veeam University Hospital perform a proof of concept of the design outline in the architecture. Backups completed successfully, but it is determined that backup copy jobs between sites are not completing in the required timeframe. During the result analysis, it was discovered that the bandwidth between sites was heavily saturated. What adjustments within the Veeam infrastructure would best address this issue?
WAN accelerators are dedicated components that Veeam Backup & Replication uses for WAN acceleration. WAN accelerators are responsible for global data caching and data deduplication, which reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network. By adding WAN accelerators to each site, you can improve the performance of backup copy jobs between sites, and reduce the bandwidth consumption and network traffic3
1: Gateway Server - User Guide for VMware vSphere 2: Gateway Server - User Guide for VMware vSphere 3: WAN Accelerators - User Guide for VMware vSphere
During architectural planning meetings, Veeam Financial Services inquires about reducing the recovery point objective for silver tier workloads from 24 hours to 12 hours while keeping the retention at 14 days. Which Veeam component(s) will change their sizing requirements as a result?
You can find more information about the sizing requirements and best practices for the Veeam repository and proxy roles in the following resources:
Veeam Backup & Replication Best Practices
Veeam Backup Repository Sizing Calculator
During architecture review, the engineers who will be implementing the designed architecture ask how they should proceed to fully meet the requirements for Oracle backup. How should the rellout be handled to meet these requirements?
* The RMAN plugin is a component that integrates Veeam Backup & Replication with Oracle RMAN, which is a native tool for Oracle backup and recovery12.
* The RMAN plugin allows you to use Oracle RMAN commands to back up and restore Oracle databases to Veeam backup repositories, as well as perform log shipping and point-in-time recovery12.
* The RMAN plugin supports Oracle databases running on any supported operating system or hypervisor, as well as physical servers or cloud environments12.
* The RMAN plugin leverages the features and benefits of Veeam Backup & Replication, such as compression, deduplication, encryption, scalability, and reliability12.
Looking at the existing error, you suspect that most of the issues could be resolved with different repositories. Assuming the repositories will be able to accomplish much higher throughput, what new issue might come up?
If the repositories are able to accomplish much higher throughput, a new issue that might come up is that the bandwidth between sites might not be sufficient to support the backup copy jobs that need to run daily between Fresno and Carson City. This could cause the backup copy jobs to fail, take longer than expected, or consume too much network resources. Therefore, it is important to measure the available bandwidth between the sites and compare it with the backup copy data size and window. If the bandwidth is not sufficient, some possible solutions are to use compression, deduplication, or WAN acceleration to reduce the backup copy traffic.
In order to satisfy the customers data scrubbing requirement, what Veeam components will be required?