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Which are the the minimum required inputs in order to configure the Validation Station as an attended activity?
To configure the Validation Station as an attended activity in UiPath, the minimum required inputs include the Taxonomy, which defines the structure and fields for data extraction, the Document Path, the Document Object Model (DOM), the Document Text obtained during digitization, and the Automatic Extraction Results, which are the results from automatic data extraction activities that need validation. These inputs allow the Validation Station to properly display and validate extracted data
When designing the Taxonomy for document types, what should be a primary consideration?
When designing a taxonomy for document types in UiPath, a key consideration is to structure it in a way that maximizes efficiency and reusability. Grouping related document types under the same taxonomy helps to simplify processing and reduce redundancy. This approach ensures that similar document types are treated consistently, making it easier to apply extraction methods and post-processing rules across different but related document types. Over-segmentation into separate taxonomies for each document type can lead to unnecessary complexity and confusion, making management and scaling of automation workflows more difficult. The goal is to create a cohesive structure that can handle various document types effectively.
(Source: UiPath Document Understanding and Communications Mining documentation)
Why might labels have bias warnings in UiPath Communications Mining, even with 100% precision?
A Document Understanding Process is in production. According to best practices, what are the locations recommended for exporting the result files?
In a Document Understanding Process, particularly when it is in production, it is crucial to manage output data securely and efficiently. Utilizing Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Orchestrator Buckets are recommended practices for exporting result files for several reasons:
Network Attached Storage (NAS): NAS is a dedicated file storage that allows multiple users and client devices to retrieve data from centralized disk capacity. Using NAS in a production environment for storing result files is beneficial due to its accessibility, capacity, and security features. It facilitates easy access and sharing of files within a network while maintaining data security.
Orchestrator Bucket: Orchestrator Buckets in UiPath are used for storing files that can be easily accessed by the robots. This is particularly useful in a production environment because it provides a centralized, cloud-based storage solution that is scalable, secure, and accessible from anywhere. This aligns with the best practices of maintaining high availability and security for business-critical data.
The other options (B, C, and D) include locations that might not be as secure or efficient for a production environment. For example, storing files locally or in a temp folder can pose security risks and is not scalable for large or distributed systems. Similarly, storing directly on a VM might not be the most efficient or secure method, especially when dealing with sensitive data.
How long does the typical Machine Learning model deployment process take in UiPath AI Center?