A developer is using UiExplorer to modify selectors. The "Repair" button is present in UiExplorer. What is its functionality and when does this button appear?
Repairenables you to re-indicate the same target UI element and repair the selector. This operation does not completely replace the previous selector. The button is available only when the selector isinvalid.
To indicate a totally different selector and replace the previous one useIndicate Element.
UiPath Documentation
Exam Topic:Describe how Tags and Attributes, Dynamic Selectors, Anchor Base, etc. are used in UI Explorer to create a robust selector in the Default, Active Accessibility, or UI Automation frameworks
What tags are verified in Internet Explorer to assess if an application is in the Interactive or Complete state?
To assess if an application is in the Interactive or Complete state, the following tags are verified:
1.Desktop applications- Awm_nullmessage is sent to check the existence of the<wnd>,<ctrl>,<java>, or<uia>tags. If they exist, the activity is executed.
2.Web applications:
a.Internet Explorer- The<webctrl>tag is used to check if theReadystate of the HTML document is set toComplete. Additionally, theBusystate has to be set to 'False'.
b.Others- The<webctrl>tag is used to check if theReadystate of the HTML document isComplete.
3.SAP applications- First the presence of the<wnd>tag verified, after which a SAP specific API is used to detect if the session is busy or not.
UiPath Documentation
Exam Topic:
Describe the use of various Classic UI synchronization activities; for example, ElementExists, FindElement, and FindText
Which of the following types of variables can be defined in UiPath Studio?
Options are :
Which of these are workflow types available in UiPath Studio;
Options are :
A developer added six Queue Items to your queue on 15.04.2021. What is the correct sequence in which these Queue Items will be processed?
Within any given queue the transactions are processed in a hierarchical manner, according to this order:
Items thathaveaDeadline, as follows:
a. in order ofPriority; and
b. according to the setDeadlinefor items with the samePriority.
Items withno Deadline, in order ofPriority, and
a. according to the ruleFirst In, First Outfor items with the samePriority.
UiPath Documentation
Exam Topic:Describe how to work with Orchestrator queues and assets