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A developer uses a State Machine for his process automation project. The developer wants to define conditions under which the automation project can pass from one State to another. What is the possible way to do so?
The Transition activity cannot be dragged from the Activities Panel, like a conventional activity. It is generated when you link a State to another State or to a Final State, within a State Machine container. This activity helps you input conditions under which the automation project can pass from one State to another.
UiPath Documentation
Exam Topic:Describe how to use state machines versus flowcharts and sequences
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How should a UiPath developer handle frequent changes in the project files?
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Which of the following technologies can be used for background automation?
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The return value of the Get Transaction Item activity is of the following type:
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A developer wants to automate a process in an internal ERP system. The robot needs to log in to the system using login and password. What is the correct approach to using credentials in UiPath?
Gets a specified Orchestrator credential by using a provided AssetName, and returns a username and a secure password.
Exam Topic:Describe how to work with Orchestrator queues and assets