A Recommendation Scan is run to determine which Intrusion Prevention rules are appropriate for a Server. The scan is configured to apply the suggested rules automatically and ongoing scans are enabled. Some time later, an operating system patch is applied. How can you de-termine which Intrusion Prevention rules are no longer needed on this Server?
How does Smart Scan vary from conventional pattern-based anti-malware scanning?
Advantages of the Smart Scan pattern over the conventional pattern protection in OfficeScan (OSCE)
Which of the following statements is true regarding Deep Security Manager-todatabase com-munication?
Which of the following are valid methods for pre-approving software updates to prevent Ap-plication Control Events from being triggered by the execution of the modified software? Select all that apply.
Normally, you will want Application Control to alert you when there are any unexpected software updates. However, some updates are expected and you will need provide allowances for these up-dates. Two methods for pre-approving software updates includes maintenance mode and trusted installers.
Explication: Study Guide - page (303-304)