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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by The Open Group in their The Open Group OGEA-103 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their The Open Group TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Combined Part 1 and Part 2 Exam exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the The Open Group OGEA-103 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Complete the sentence. The four purposes that typically frame the planning horizon, depth and breadth of an Architecture Project, and the contents of the EA Repository are Strategy, Portfolio,
The planning horizon, depth, and breadth of an Architecture Project, along with the contents of the EA Repository, are typically framed by Strategy, Portfolio, Segment, and End-to-end Target Architecture. The 'Segment' refers to a part of the organization, typically addressed in a Segment Architecture, while 'End-to-end Target Architecture' encompasses the complete view of the planned architecture across the entire organization.
Complete the following sentence. In the ADM, documents which are under development and have not undergone any formal review and approval process are called______ Documents which have been reviewed and approved are called ______
According to the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition, documents which are under development and have not undergone any formal review and approval process are called draft documents, while documents which have been reviewed and approved are called approved documents 1. Draft documents are typically marked with a version number of 0.x, indicating that they are incomplete or provisional. Approved documents are typically marked with a version number of 1.0 or higher, indicating that they have been finalized and authorized. The other options are not correct, as they are not the terms used by the TOGAF Standard to distinguish between documents under development and documents that have been reviewed and approved. The terms ''finalized'', ''concept'', ''deliverable'', and ''Version 0.1'' and ''Version 1.0'' are not specific to the TOGAF Standard, and they may have different meanings or interpretations in different contexts. Reference: 1: TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition, Part II: Architecture Development Method, Chapter 7: Applying Iteration to the ADM, Section 7.2.3 Document Categorization.
Complete the following sentence. In the ADM documents which are under development and have not undergone any formal review and approval process are_______________.
In the ADM documents which are under development and have not undergone any formal review and approval process are called ''draft''. This indicates that they are subject to change and refinement as the architecture development progresses. Reference: The TOGAF Standard | The Open Group Website, Section 4.2.5 Architecture Deliverables.