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Consider the following diagram:
What correctly describes this diagram?
Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a technology function represents a collection of technology behavior that can be performed by a node. The diagram uses a composition relationship to indicate that technology function A consists of four other technology functions. The notation for a composition relationship is a solid line with a filled diamond at the end that points to the whole element. The diagram also uses an information flow relationship to indicate that information is exchanged from Administrate Replication to the other functions. The notation for an information flow relationship is a dashed line with an open arrowhead at the end that points to the direction of the flow.
What element type is denoted by the symbol below using the standard notation conventions?
According to the standard notation conventions, a structure element is denoted by a rectangle with rounded corners. A structure element represents an entity that has a state and exhibits some behavior. Examples of structure elements are actors, roles, components, nodes, and objects.
Which of the following is a composite element?
This is because a grouping is a composite element that aggregates or groups other elements based on some common characteristic or purpose. A course of action is a motivation element that represents an approach or plan for achieving some goal. An aggregation is a structural relationship that models the whole-part hierarchy between elements. A contract is a passive structure element that represents a formal or informal specification of an agreement between a provider and a consumer that specifies the rights and obligations associated with a product or service.
ased on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a grouping is a composite element that consists of other concepts, from one or more aspects or layers of the ArchiMate language. A grouping can be used to model a logical or physical grouping of elements that belong together based on some criteri
a. A grouping can itself aggregate or compose other groupings, leading to a hierarchy of these elements.
Consider the following diagram:
Which of the following correctly describes this diagram?
Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, the diagram uses a specialization relationship to indicate that the two business roles Travel Insurance Claim Analyst and Home Insurance Product Specialist are more specific versions of the business role Specialist. A specialization relationship is a type of structural relationship that indicates that an object is a specialization of another object. The notation for a specialization relationship is a solid line with an empty triangle at the end that points to the more general element.
Which of the following is the correct relationship between the bottom elements and the top element?
Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an aggregation relationship indicates that an element groups a number of other concepts. The aggregation relationship has been inspired by the aggregation relationship in UML class diagrams. Unlike composition, aggregation does not imply an existence dependency between the aggregating and aggregated concepts. The notation for an aggregation relationship is a solid line with an empty diamond at the end that points to the whole element. The diagram uses an aggregation relationship from the bottom elements to the top element to indicate that the top element groups the bottom elements.