Free Talend Data-Integration-Developer Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Data-Integration-Developer were last updated On Feb 27, 2025

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Question No. 1

Which Action on table operations are supported by a tMysqlOutput component?

Choose 3 answers

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Correct Answer: A, B, E

The tMysqlOutput component is used to write data into a MySQL database table. The Action on table parameter of this component allows you to specify what operation to perform on the table before loading data into it. The Action on table parameter supports the following operations:

Drop table if exists and create: This operation drops the table if it already exists in the database and creates a new one with the same name and structure as defined in the schema.

Create table: This operation creates a new table in the database with the name and structure as defined in the schema. If a table with the same name already exists, an error will be raised.

Create table if does not exist: This operation creates a new table in the database with the name and structure as defined in the schema only if there is no table with the same name already existing in the database. If a table with the same name already exists, no action will be taken.

The Action on table parameter does not support the following operations:

Replace: This is not an operation on the table, but on the data. The Replace parameter of the tMysqlOutput component allows you to specify whether to replace existing rows in the table with new rows based on a key attribute or to insert new rows only.

Drop table: This is not an operation on the table, but on the database. The Drop table parameter of the tMysqlConnection component allows you to specify whether to drop the table after closing the connection or not.Reference:Talend Open Studio: Open-source ETL and Free Data Integration | Talend, [tMysqlOutput properties - 7.3], [tMysqlConnection properties - 7.3]

Question No. 2

You designing a Job that can run in two contexts, Test and Production. You want to run it as a standalone job outside Talend Studio.

How do you accomplish this?

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Correct Answer: D

To design a job that can run in two contexts, Test and Production, and run it as a standalone job outside Talend Studio, you need to do the following steps:

Define the context variables and values for each context in the Contexts tab of your job. A context variable is a variable that can store a value that can be changed at runtime or between different contexts. You can use context variables to parameterize the properties or expressions of your job components.

Build the job with the desired context selected in the Build Job window. You can access this option by right-clicking on your job in the Repository tree view and selecting Build Job. This will open a dialog box where you can configure the build settings, such as destination folder, archive name, context, etc. You need to select the context that you want to use for your job execution from the drop-down menu.

Extract the content of the archive file that contains your job executable files and libraries. The archive file also contains two executable files: a batch file (.bat) for Windows platforms and a shell script (.sh) for Linux platforms. You need to run the appropriate file for your platform by double-clicking on it or using a command line tool. This will launch the job and display its output in a console window.

If you need to run the job in a different context, you need to build a separate copy of the job with the other context selected in the Build Job window. You cannot change the context of an already built job without rebuilding it.

You do not need to build the job with the Context scripts option selected in the Build Job window, edit the script according to the context in which you want to run the job, set the desired context as the default, rebuild the job if you need to run it in a different context, or be prompted for the context. These methods are not correct or available in Talend Studio and may cause errors or unexpected results.Reference:Talend Open Studio: Open-source ETL and Free Data Integration | Talend, [Build Job - 7.3], [Contexts - 7.3]

Question No. 3

You need to calculate the total number of rows in an input file using a tMlelnputDelimited component.

Which code should you use in a tJava component to write a nb-line variable?

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Correct Answer: C

You need to use the following code in a tJava component to write a nb_line variable:

int nb_line = (Integer)globalMap.get(''tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE'');

This code retrieves the value of the global variable tFileInputDelimited_1_NB_LINE, which stores the number of rows processed by the tFileInputDelimited component, and assigns it to an integer variable named nb_line. You can then use this variable to print or manipulate the number of rows in your Job. Note that you need to use globalMap.get, not globalMap.put, to access the value of a global variable.

Question No. 4

What is the generic Input component used for in a Joblet design?

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Correct Answer: C

The generic Input component used for in a Joblet design is the tJobletInput component. This component is used to carry data into a Joblet from another component in the job that contains the Joblet. A Joblet is a reusable piece of a job that can be used in multiple jobs as a single component. A Joblet can have one or more input and output flows that connect it with other components in a job. To create these flows, you need to use generic input and output components, such as tJobletInput, tJobletOutput, tJobletTriggerInput, and tJobletTriggerOutput. These components allow you to define schemas and triggers for your Joblet without depending on specific components.

The tJobletInput component is not used for triggering a Joblet, triggering a subjob, or carrying data into a subjob. These are different concepts and functionalities in Talend Studio. A trigger is a link that activates a subjob or a component based on a condition or an event. A subjob is a part of a job that consists of one or more components connected by data flows or triggers. A subjob can be triggered by another subjob using triggers such as OnSubjobOk, OnSubjobError, Run if, etc. A subjob can also carry data into another subjob using data flows such as main, lookup, reject, etc.Reference:Talend Open Studio: Open-source ETL and Free Data Integration | Talend, [tJobletInput properties - 7.3], [Joblets - 7.3], [Triggers - 7.3]

Question No. 5

You are collaborating on a project with other developers using talend best practices.

When should you use a tag?

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Correct Answer: D

Tags are used to mark specific points in the development lifecycle of a project. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as:

To mark the completion of a major feature or release

To mark the start of a new development phase (e.g., QA, production)

To mark a known good state of the codebase (e.g., before a risky change)

Tags can be used to create branches, which can then be used to develop and test new features or bug fixes. They can also be used to deploy the codebase to different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

Examples of when to use a tag:

When you are ready to release a new version of your application to production.

When you have completed a major feature or milestone in the development of your application.

Before making a risky change to your codebase, such as a database migration or refactoring.

When you need to deploy your application to a different environment, such as staging or production.

Benefits of using tags:

Tags can help you to keep track of the different versions of your codebase.

Tags can help you to roll back to a previous version of your codebase if necessary.

Tags can help you to deploy your codebase to different environments.

Tags can help you to collaborate with other developers more effectively.

Talend Best Practices Guide:

Git documentation on tags: