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In the context of deploying Tableau Server with an external repository, what is a key factor to con-sider for ensuring optimal performance of the server?
Ensure the network connection between Tableau Server and the external repository has low latency A low-latency network connection is vital for optimal performance when Tableau Server is integrated with an external repository. This facilitates faster data retrieval and improves overall responsiveness, which is crucial for efficient data analysis and reporting. Option A is incorrect because it is not necessary for the external repository to be on the same physical server; what matters more is the network connection quality. Option B is incorrect as having higher storage capacity does not directly impact the performance of the server in relation to the external repository. Option C is incorrect because synchronization frequency is typically managed to balance performance and data freshness, and minimizing it is not always the optimal approach.
A financial services company needs to ensure the highest level of data security in its Tableau Server deployment. Which configuration best addresses their need for both encryption at rest and encryption over the wire?
Implementing both SSL/TLS for data in transit and at-rest encryption for stored data This configuration ensures that data is encrypted both when it's being transmitted over the network (SSL/TLS) and when it's stored on disk (at-rest encryption), providing comprehensive security for sensitive financial data. Option A is incorrect because it does not address the requirement for encryption of data at rest. Option B is incorrect as it suggests using unencrypted external file storage, which is not secure. Option D is incorrect because relying only on network-level encryption leaves data at rest unsecured.
After attempting to install Tableau Server on a Windows system, you encounter an error indicating a failure in the pre-installation check. What should be your first step in resolving this issue?
Reviewing the installation logs to identify the specific component that failed the pre-installation check When encountering an error during the pre-installation check of Tableau Server on Windows, the first step should be to review the installation logs. These logs provide de-tailed information on which specific component or requirement failed, allowing for targeted trouble-shooting and resolution. Option A is incorrect because reformatting the system is an excessive measure before reviewing detailed logs for specific issues. Option C is incorrect as increasing hard-ware resources does not directly address issues identified in pre-installation checks. Option D is in-correct because uninstalling and reinstalling Tableau Server without identifying the root cause of the failure is unlikely to resolve the issue.
A large enterprise with a global presence is looking to enhance its Tableau Server deployment to support advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities. Which Tableau Server Add-On should be recommended to meet this requirement?
Tableau Server Management Add-On to leverage advanced analytics and ma-chine learning capabilities This add-on provides enhanced capabilities for managing the Tableau Server environment, including features that support advanced analytics and machine learning, which are essential for a large enterprise looking to leverage these technologies. Option A is incorrect be-cause Tableau Bridge primarily focuses on live data connection and not on advanced analytics or machine learning. Option B is incorrect as Tableau Catalog is more about data visibility and lineage, not directly related to advanced analytics and machine learning. Option C is incorrect because while it improves data preparation and cataloging, it does not directly address advanced analytics and machine learning requirements.
During the installation of Tableau Server on a Windows system, you encounter a permissions error. What should be your initial action to address this issue?
Checking and adjusting the security permissions of the Tableau Server installation directory When encountering a permissions error during the installation of Tableau Server on Windows, the first action should be to check and adjust the security permissions of the installation directory. Ensuring that the installer has the necessary permissions to write to the directory is crucial for a successful installation. Option A is incorrect because disabling UAC is not a recommended practice and does not specifically address permission issues with the Tableau Server installation di-rectory. Option C is incorrect as granting administrator privileges to all users is excessive and poses a security risk. Option D is incorrect because reinstalling the operating system is an unnecessary and extreme measure for resolving a permissions issue.