Use custom geocoding, when you need ___________ locations to map your data.
Custom geocoding means that you assign latitude and longitude coordinates to your locations
so Tableau can plot them accurately.
Connect to the "Flight" data source and create a hierarchy as City-Airport Name-Carrier Name. Find out which combination was having the lowest number of on-time flights?
Create a hierarchy using City-Airport Name-Carrier Name.
Filter using Ontime Category field and select the Ontime.
Drop the hierarchy to the view and Number of flights to the Text.
Check each combination from the answers:
Connect to the "Kiva Loans - India" data source, which sector's funded amount is closest to the median of all the sectors?
Drop Sector to columns and Funded Amount to Rows.
From Analytics, drop the Median with Quartiles to your view or drop the reference line, select the Median.
Your view will look like this:
Here, the Clothing funded amount is exactly similar to the Median.
Connect to the "Education" data source. Analyze the Math score and create 3 categories. If the score is less than 500 then consider the student as 'Low Performer'. If the score is greater than or equal to 500 but less than 600 then call it 'Average Performer'. If the score is greater than or equal to 600 then 'High Performer'. Find out the percentage of Average Performers in males?
Create the Calculated field 'Math Performers':
Drop the Math Performer field to the Rows and drop gender to filter, select 'Men'
Drop the Number of Records (if tableau version prior to 2020.2) to the Text
Drop the Education.csv(Count) (tableau version 2020.2 and after) to the Text
Apply 'Percent of Total' Quick table calculation to the field on the Text marks card:
Which type of sort is applied in the Ship Mode field?
Larger image
Refer to Nested Sort section: