Free Tableau Desktop-Certified-Associate Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Desktop-Certified-Associate were last updated On Feb 24, 2025

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Question No. 1

Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and create a view to show only those orders which were returned. What is the unique number of orders returned in the North Africa region in the office supplies category? Consider only those orders which were shipped using Standard Class ship mode.

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Correct Answer: B

Create an inner join between Orders and Returns table using Order ID

Create a calculated field to find the unique order.

Drop Region, Ship Mode, and Category to Rows. And drop 'countd order' field to Text. The final view would look like this:

Question No. 2

Which of these dashboard actions do not have target sheets?

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Correct Answer: B, D

Go to the menu Dashboard -> Action -> Add Action

Select Filter, here you will find the Target Sheets

For all other options, you will not find the Target Sheets. Try it yourself.

Question No. 3

Connect to the "Flight" data source and create a hierarchy as City-Airport Name-Carrier Name. Find out which combination was having the lowest number of on-time flights?

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Correct Answer: C

Create a hierarchy using City-Airport Name-Carrier Name.

Filter using Ontime Category field and select the Ontime.

Drop the hierarchy to the view and Number of flights to the Text.

Check each combination from the answers:

Question No. 4

Using the metadata grid, you can rename the remote fields.

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Correct Answer: B

We can rename the field from the metadata grid, but not the remote fields.

Remote field cannot be renamed by any means from Tableau

Question No. 5

Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and use the Orders table. Which of the customer names are in the Top 20 by sales, calculate the profit ratio for these customers and find out who all are in the bottom 5 in profit ratio (within these customers)?

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Correct Answer: A, C

Right Click on the Customer Name -> Create -> Set

Create a calculated field:

Drop the Top 20 by Sales set, Customer Name to Rows.

Drop Sales and Profit Ratio to the view. Format the profit ratio so it will show the percentage.

Sort the Profit.