Free Splunk SPLK-4001 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for SPLK-4001 were last updated On Feb 19, 2025

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Question No. 1

An SRE came across an existing detector that is a good starting point for a detector they want to create. They clone the detector, update the metric, and add multiple new signals. As a result of the cloned detector, which of the following is true?

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Correct Answer: D
Question No. 3

What constitutes a single metrics time series (MTS)?

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Correct Answer: B

The correct answer is B. A set of data points that all have the same metric name and list of dimensions.

A metric time series (MTS) is a collection of data points that have the same metric and the same set of dimensions. For example, the following sets of data points are in three separate MTS:

MTS1: Gauge metric cpu.utilization, dimension ''hostname'': ''host1'' MTS2: Gauge metric cpu.utilization, dimension ''hostname'': ''host2'' MTS3: Gauge metric memory.usage, dimension ''hostname'': ''host1''

A metric is a numerical measurement that varies over time, such as CPU utilization or memory usage. A dimension is a key-value pair that provides additional information about the metric, such as the hostname or the location. A data point is a combination of a metric, a dimension, a value, and a timestamp1

Question No. 4

Which of the following can be configured when subscribing to a built-in detector?

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Correct Answer: C

According to the web search results1, subscribing to a built-in detector is a way to receive alerts and notifications from Splunk Observability Cloud when certain criteria are met.A built-in detector is a detector that is automatically created and configured by Splunk Observability Cloud based on the data from your integrations, such as AWS, Kubernetes, or OpenTelemetry1. To subscribe to a built-in detector, you need to do the following steps:

Find the built-in detector that you want to subscribe to.You can use the metric finder or the dashboard groups to locate the built-in detectors that are relevant to your data sources1.

Hover over the built-in detector and click the Subscribe button.This will open a dialog box where you can configure your subscription settings1.

Choose an outbound notification channel from the drop-down menu. This is where you can specify how you want to receive the alert notifications from the built-in detector.You can choose from various channels, such as email, Slack, PagerDuty, webhook, and so on2.You can also create a new notification channel by clicking the + icon2.

Enter the notification details for the selected channel.This may include your email address, Slack channel name, PagerDuty service key, webhook URL, and so on2.You can also customize the notification message with variables and markdown formatting2.

Click Save. This will subscribe you to the built-in detector and send you alert notifications through the chosen channel when the detector triggers or clears an alert.

Therefore, option C is correct.