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When writing a custom function that uses regex to extract the domain name from a URL, a user wants to create a new artifact for the extracted domain. Which of the following Python API calls will create a new artifact?
In the Splunk SOAR platform, when writing a custom function in Python to handle data such as extracting a domain name from a URL, you can create a new artifact using the Python API call phantom.create_artifact(). This function allows you to specify the details of the new artifact, such as the type, CEF (Common Event Format) data, container it belongs to, and other relevant information necessary to create an artifact within the system.
What is the primary objective of using the I2A2 playbook design methodology?
The primary objective of using the I2A2 playbook design methodology in Splunk SOAR is to create playbooks that are simple, reusable, and modular. This design philosophy emphasizes the creation of playbooks that can be easily understood and maintained, encourages the reuse of playbook components in different scenarios, and fosters the development of playbooks that can be modularly connected or used independently as needed.
I2A2 design methodology is a framework for designing playbooks that consists of four components:
* Inputs: The data that is required for the playbook to run, such as artifacts, parameters, or custom fields.
* Interactions: The blocks that allow the playbook to communicate with users or other systems, such as prompts, comments, or emails.
* Actions: The blocks that execute the core logic of the playbook, such as app actions, filters, decisions, or utilities.
* Artifacts: The data that is generated or modified by the playbook, such as new artifacts, container fields, or notes.
The I2A2 design methodology helps you to plan, structure, and test your playbooks in a modular and efficient way. The primary objective of using the I2A2 design methodology is to create simple, reusable, modular playbooks that can be easily maintained, shared, and customized. Therefore, option D is the correct answer, as it states the primary objective of using the I2A2 design methodology. Option A is incorrect, because creating detailed playbooks is not the primary objective of using the I2A2 design methodology, but rather a possible outcome of following the framework. Option B is incorrect, because creating playbooks that customers will not edit is not the primary objective of using the I2A2 design methodology, but rather a potential risk of not following the framework. Option C is incorrect, because meeting customer requirements using a single playbook is not the primary objective of using the I2A2 design methodology, but rather a challenge that can be overcome by using the framework.
1: Use a playbook design methodology in Administer Splunk SOAR (Cloud).
When is using decision blocks most useful?
Decision blocks are most useful when selecting one (or zero) possible paths in the playbook. Decision blocks allow the user to define one or more conditions based on action results, artifacts, or custom expressions, and execute the corresponding path if the condition is met. If none of the conditions are met, the playbook execution ends. Decision blocks are not used for processing different data in parallel, evaluating complex, multi-value results or artifacts, or modifying downstream data in one or more paths in the playbook.Decision blocks within Splunk Phantom playbooks are used to control the flow of execution based on certain criteria. They are most useful when you need to select one or potentially no paths for the playbook to follow, based on the evaluation of specified conditions. This is akin to an if-else or switch-case logic in programming where depending on the conditions met, a particular path is chosen for further actions. Decision blocks evaluate the data and direct the playbook to different paths accordingly, making them a fundamental component for creating dynamic and responsive automation workflows.
Which of the following supported approaches enables Phantom to run on a Windows server?
Splunk SOAR (formerly Phantom) does not natively run on Windows servers as it is primarily designed for Linux environments. However, it can be deployed on a Windows server through virtualization. By running the Phantom OVA (Open Virtualization Appliance) as a virtual machine, users can utilize virtualization platforms like VMware or VirtualBox on a Windows server to host the Phantom environment. This approach allows for the deployment of Phantom in a Windows-centric infrastructure by leveraging virtualization technology to encapsulate the Phantom application within a supported Linux environment provided by the OVA.