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What is the expected minimum amount of storage required for data across an indexer cluster with the following input and parameters?
* Raw data = 15 GB per day
* Index files = 35 GB per day
* Replication Factor (RF) = 2
* Search Factor (SF) = 2
(15 GB + 35 GB) x 2 x 2 = 100 GB
Splunk configuration parameter settings can differ between multiple .conf files of the same name contained within different apps. Which of the following directories has the highest precedence?
The system local directory has the highest precedence among the following directories that contain Splunk configuration files of the same name within different apps. Splunk configuration files are stored in various directories under the SPLUNK_HOME/etc directory. The precedence of these directories determines which configuration file settings take effect when there are conflicts or overlaps. The system local directory, which is located at SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local, has the highest precedence among all directories, because it contains the system-level configurations that are specific to the instance. The system default directory, which is located at SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default, has the lowest precedence among all directories, because it contains the system-level configurations that are provided by Splunk and should not be modified. The app local directories, which are located at SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/APP_NAME/local, have a higher precedence than the app default directories, which are located at SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/APP_NAME/default, because the local directories contain the app-level configurations that are specific to the instance, while the default directories contain the app-level configurations that are provided by the app and should not be modified. The app local and default directories have different precedences depending on the ASCII order of the app names, with the app names that come later in the ASCII order having higher precedences.
Which of the following items are important sizing parameters when architecting a Splunk environment? (select all that apply)
Which of the following strongly impacts storage sizing requirements for Enterprise Security?