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How is the change of local time due to daylight savings time handled in Snowflake tasks? (Choose two.)
How can the Snowpipe REST API be used to keep a log of data load history?
The Snowpipe REST API provides two endpoints for retrieving the data load history: insertReport and loadHistoryScan. The insertReport endpoint returns the status of the files that were submitted to the insertFiles endpoint, while the loadHistoryScan endpoint returns the history of the files that were actually loaded into the table by Snowpipe. To keep a log of data load history, it is recommended to use the loadHistoryScan endpoint, which provides more accurate and complete information about the data ingestion process. The loadHistoryScan endpoint accepts a start time and an end time as parameters, and returns the files that were loaded within that time range. The maximum time range that can be specified is 15 minutes, and the maximum number of files that can be returned is 10,000. Therefore, to keep a log of data load history, the best option is to call the loadHistoryScan endpoint every 10 minutes for a 15-minute time range, and store the results in a log file or a table. This way, the log will capture all the files that were loaded by Snowpipe, and avoid any gaps or overlaps in the time range. The other options are incorrect because:
Calling insertReport every 20 minutes, fetching the last 10,000 entries, will not provide a complete log of data load history, as some files may be missed or duplicated due to the asynchronous nature of Snowpipe. Moreover, insertReport only returns the status of the files that were submitted, not the files that were loaded.
Calling loadHistoryScan every minute for the maximum time range will result in too many API calls and unnecessary overhead, as the same files will be returned multiple times. Moreover, the maximum time range is 15 minutes, not 1 minute.
Calling insertReport every 8 minutes for a 10-minute time range will suffer from the same problems as option A, and also create gaps or overlaps in the time range.
What does a Snowflake Architect need to consider when implementing a Snowflake Connector for Kafka?
An Architect has a design where files arrive every 10 minutes and are loaded into a primary database table using Snowpipe. A secondary database is refreshed every hour with the latest data from the primary database.
Based on this scenario, what Time Travel query options are available on the secondary database?
Snowflake's Time Travel feature allows users to query historical data within a defined retention period. In the given scenario, since the secondary database is refreshed every hour, Time Travel can be used to query each hourly version of the table as long as it falls within the retention window. This does not include individual Snowpipe loads within each hour unless they coincide with the hourly refresh.
The following DDL command was used to create a task based on a stream:
Assuming MY_WH is set to auto_suspend -- 60 and used exclusively for this task, which statement is true?
The warehouse MY_WH will only be active when there are results in the stream. This is because the task is created based on a stream, which means that the task will only be executed when there are new data in the stream. Additionally, the warehouse is set to auto_suspend - 60, which means that the warehouse will automatically suspend after 60 seconds of inactivity. Therefore, the warehouse will only be active when there are results in the stream.Reference:
[CREATE TASK | Snowflake Documentation]
[Using Streams and Tasks | Snowflake Documentation]
[CREATE WAREHOUSE | Snowflake Documentation]