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Which choice best describes a horizontal discovery pattern?
In ServiceNow Discovery, a horizontal discovery pattern refers to the logical set of steps that the Discovery process executes to find CI information across the network. Each step in a horizontal discovery pattern performs specific operations such as running probes, executing commands, or querying databases to gather information about the configuration items (CIs). It's about expanding the breadth of discovery across devices and applications, rather than going in-depth into a specific CI's details, which would be vertical discovery. Classifiers, credential depots, and port scanning tools are part of the discovery process but do not describe the horizontal discovery pattern itself.
Which of the choices are types of temporary variables in a discovery pattern?
Choose 2 answers
In the context of ServiceNow Discovery patterns, the types of temporary variables include Scalar/List and Tabular/Table. Scalar/List variables are used to store single values or lists of values, while Tabular/Table variables are used to store structured data in a table format. Command and SQL statement are not types of temporary variables; rather, they are types of operations or steps that can be used within a pattern to execute commands or SQL queries. Reference = ServiceNow Discovery documentation, especially sections related to Discovery Patterns and the use of temporary variables within patterns.
For the Parse Variable pattern operation, what is required to have two different parsing methods to populate variables?
The Parse Variable pattern operation allows you to extract information from the output of a previous operation and save it in a variable. You can choose from different parsing methods, such as JSON File, XML File, Regular Expression, or Custom Script. To have two different parsing methods to populate variables, you need to use two different steps, each with a different Define Parsing selection. For example, you can use one step to parse a JSON file and another step to parse an XML file. You cannot use two different parsing methods on the same step, as the Define Parsing selection is unique for each step.
For CMDB Health, relationships can be which of the following choices? (Choose three.)
In a pattern operation, which of the following correctly calls the value of the executableDir variable from the tabular process variable?