How should an admin activate the KPI Signals?
You no longer have to activate the KPI Signals ( plugin. It is active by default.
If you do not want this feature, request a Now Platform administrator to set the property to false. Because this property does not exist by default, the administrator must add it.
If you reactivate KPI Signals, signal detection resumes from the time you originally deactivated the feature, not from the time you reactivated it.
How are responsible users reminded when a signal remains unresolved?
As a responsible user, you receive email reminders about signals that have not been resolved.
You can configure how frequently you get these reminders and the maximum number of reminders to get for a signal.
Responsible users get email notifications about the following:
* New signals
* Unresolved signals
* Actions to resolve signals
* 'Anti-signals,' which indicate that a KPI is long-term stable
Even responsible users without workspace access get these email notifications.
What calendar type can you use to analyse scores using time periods?
Analyse scores using time periods from a custom business calendar instead of only the standard calendar.
When you are creating an Indicator Source, you can select either the standard calendar or a business calendar defined on the instance.
If you use a business calendar, you can create data collection jobs that run on the Business Calendar: Entry start or Business Calendar: Entry end times.
If you select a business calendar, you have the Calendar Frequency field. This field is required. The business calendar you selected determines the range of available frequencies.
(Optional) If you have configured this indicator source to use a business calendar, set the number of periods to retain scores and snapshots and find seasonal patterns.
How do you create and associate breakdowns on the breakdown source form?
A breakdown source is defined as a set of records from a table or database view or as a bucket group. Multiple breakdowns can use the same breakdown source.
Breakdown sources specify which unique values, called breakdown elements, a breakdown contains.
Breakdown source records have a related list that lists the breakdowns that are based on that source. You can create a breakdown by selecting the 'New' button while in this list. The list works like the Indicators list on indicator source records.
Other options in this question do not exist on the breakdown source form.
After you create breakdowns that use this source, these breakdowns are listed in the Breakdowns tab.