What is an easy way for a responsible user to get real-time updates on the signals for a particular KPI?
As a responsible user, you can receive email notifications about new or unresolved signals, anti-signals, or any actions taken on signals.
You can configure how frequently you get these reminders and the maximum number of reminders to get for a signal.
You no longer have to open KPI Signals and manually check each KPI for signals.
Scheduling a report for the signal data does not provide real-time updates.
Manually check the KPI for signals and monitoring the signal score on a dashboard requires the user to constantly check for the updates without a pause, which is not easy.
Which of the following items can you view without the pa_viewer role if the indicator and breakdown ACLs are respected? (Choose two.)
You can rely less on roles and more on access control lists (ACLs) to secure Performance Analytics.
On new instances, you no longer need the pa_viewer role to view the following items. Instead, indicator and breakdown ACLs are respected:
* Analytics Hub
* Text Analytics widgets
* KPI Details
* Breakdowns on workbench widgets
Performance Analytics widgets: In general, Performance Analytics widgets follow indicator and breakdown ACLs.
Targets and Thresholds: On the Analytics Hub, no roles are required to create personal targets and thresholds.
Which of the following can you do when you set a target for an indicator on the Analytics Hub? (Choose three.)
You can set target values for indicators. When you set a target for an indicator on the Analytics Hub, you can now do the following:
* Set a start date in the future.
* Set a review date on which to consider updating the target.
* Set the target as an improvement on the average score or on the previous target. You can set the improvement as a percentage.
You can have the targets apply only to specific breakdown elements and time series. The target starts to apply at a selected date and continues to apply until you set the next target. However, you can set a review date on which to reconsider the target.
What 'related lists' are available on the formula indicator form? (Choose three.)
Here are the available related lists on the baseline configuration when navigating to the Formula Indicators form: Breakdowns, Contributing Indicators, Time series exclusions, Targets, Thresholds, and Diagnostic Results.
'Signals' is not an out-of-the-box related list on the Formula Indicators form.
Use the Contributing indicators related list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their indicator sources. If you include another formula indicator in the formula, both that indicator and its contributing indicators are listed.
What option on the breakdown source record helps provide views into whether you need to create additional breakdowns or adjust data values?
When you select an indicator as the data source, you can filter the results by breakdown and breakdown element.
If you have the 'Label for unmatched' field defined on the breakdown source for a selected breakdown, this label appears in your choice of Elements.
Select the label to display scores that do not match any of the elements.
This option helps provide views into whether you need to create additional breakdowns or adjust data values.