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Scenario C: Dependencies and Product Backlog items
During Nexus Sprint Planning, representatives from each of the 9-member Scrum Teams
identify many dependencies. This makes it hard for them to choose the work they could pull
into their individual teams for the next Sprint. No matter how they reorganize the Product
Backlog items, they continually find more or new dependencies.
What would you recommend to the two teams that are continually dependent on each other to
help them manage their work?
(choose the best answer)
The other options are not advisable for the following reasons:
How should Product Backlog items be chosen when multiple Scrum Teams work from the same
Product Backlog?
(choose the best answer)
Which statements are true regarding using Scrum for large-scale product delivery?
(choose the best two answers)
The true statements regarding using Scrum for large-scale product delivery are:
The other statements are false for the following reasons:
B . Scrum requires all team members work full time on a single team. This statement is false because Scrum does not prescribe how team members allocate their time or effort. Scrum only defines the roles, events, artifacts, and rules that guide the empirical process of product development. However, as mentioned above, it is often more productive and effective for team members to focus on one team's Sprint Backlog and avoid splitting their time between multiple teams [5].
C . Changes to the core Scrum framework are needed to be successful with Scrum at large-scale. This statement is false because Scrum is a lightweight and adaptable framework that can be applied to any complex product development context, regardless of the size or scale. Scrum does not need to be changed or modified to be successful at large-scale, but rather scaled up or down according to the needs and goals of the product organization. There are various frameworks and approaches that can help scale Scrum, such as Nexus, LeSS, SAFe, and Scrum@Scale, but they all adhere to the core principles and values of Scrum [6] [7].
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:
(choose the best two answers)
The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:
The other two answers are not correct because:
Scenario B: Six Team Nexus with complex dependencies
A six team Nexus is developing a complex product, with different parts of the product that only
certain Scrum Teams can work on. In fact, there are some highly specialized individuals outside
the Nexus that are required for some of the work. In past Sprints the Nexus encountered
challenges dealing with the many dependencies between Scrum Teams.
Which of the following two strategies would be most effective in dealing with their
(choose the best two answers)
The two strategies that would be most effective in dealing with the dependencies are:
The other two answers are not correct because: