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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Scrum in their Scrum PSPO-II exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Scrum Professional Scrum Product Owner II exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Scrum PSPO-II exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
What might indicate to a Product Owner that they need to work more with the Scrum Team?
(choose the best answer)
The leading revenue-producing product in your portfolio has:
. High Current Value
. Low Unrealized Value
The product has been losing customers for several years and revenues are down. Using those
two data points and the options below, what is the first action you should take?
(choose the best answer)
The smallest product Increment that is valuable enough to release is one that:
(choose the best answer)
The other options are not correct because:
When the Product Owner is too busy to work with all of the teams in a multi-team product
development effort, which strategy will help them?
(choose the best answer)
You are the Product Owner at a small company with a single product. You have authority over
pricing, promotion, and how much is invested in new features or capabilities. Your product has:
. High Current Value - as indicated by high customer satisfaction.
. High Unrealized Value - as indicated by low market share.
Using those two data points, what is the first action you should take to increase the business
performance of the product?
(choose the best answer)
= Based on the Evidence-Based Management (EBM) framework, your product has a high Current Value (CV), which means that it delivers value to the existing customers and meets their needs and expectations. However, it also has a high Unrealized Value (UV), which means that there is a large gap between the potential and actual use of the product in the market. This indicates that your product has a low awareness, reach, or appeal among the potential customers who could benefit from it.
To increase the business performance of the product, you need to reduce the UV and increase the Ability to Innovate (A2I), which is the ability to deliver future value. One way to do this is to improve the marketing of the product, which can help you to communicate the value proposition, differentiate the product from the competitors, and attract a greater number of customers. This can also provide you with more feedback and data to inform your product strategy and backlog prioritization.