Free SCP SC0-502 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for SC0-502 were last updated On Feb 19, 2025

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Question No. 1

Blue thanks you for your plan and design and took it into consideration. You are then informed that Orange has gone ahead and made a new plan, which will incorporate some of your suggestions, but is going to build the network a bit differently. In Testbed and in each remote office there will be a single self-sufficient CA hierarchy, one that is designed to directly integrate with the existing network. Orange mentions that the hierarchy is only to go two-levels deep, you are not to make an extensive hierarchy in any location. This means a distinct CA hierarchy in six locations, inclusive of the Testbed headquarters. Using this information, choose the solution that will provide for the proper rollout of the Certificate Authorities in the network.}

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Correct Answer: D

Question No. 2

Although you feel that you have taken solid steps in the security of MegaCorp, you would like to have some more analysis and documentation of the state of the network, and the systems in place protecting MegaCorp resources. The CEO wants to know what MegaCorp should be spending on securing these resources, and wants justification for the numbers that you provide. You inform the group that you will be able to provide them with a Risk Analysis on the defined resources, and you also suggest that MegaCorp perform a full business Risk Analysis, and that they make it part of their policy to perform ongoing analysis. During the first meeting after the agreement on analysis, a sales manager tells you the following; "We are rolling out a new online sales component to our organization. It will be up to you to design the system for this, but we anticipate it being up and running next month and are looking to have initial revenues of around $1,000 per day through that component." "All right," you respond "If the initial revenues are going to be around $1,000 per day, what are you projecting will be the daily revenue through this in 6 and 12 months?" The CEO answers this question, "Our projections are to have an average of about $2,000 per day in six months and $3,000 per day within a year." "And, what is this system going to be responsible for? By that I mean, is this just an order taking machine, is it tied into inventory, is it tied into shipping, and so on?" you ask. "Right now, and as far as the current plan goes, this is an order taking system. It will not be tied into any of our other systems." "Are we going to get a new Internet connection for this server, or is it going to run off the current connection we have? I recommend a new connection, but am curious to know if that has been considered." "I think we can stick with our current connection for the time being. If it seems like there is a need in the future for the expenses of a new connection, we can discuss it then. Anything else?" "Not right now, as issues come up I will talk to you about them." The rest of the meeting does not require your attendance, so you head back to your office. Based on your knowledge of the MegaCorp environment, select the solution that best allow you to justify the expense of protecting the new server.}

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 3

You had been taking a short vacation, and when you come into work on Monday morning, Orange is already at your door, waiting to talk to you. "We're got a problem," Orange says, "It seems that the password used by our Vice President of Engineering has been compromised. Over the weekend, we found this account had logged into the network 25 times. The Vice President was not even in the office over the weekend." "Did we get the source of the compromise yet?" "No, but it won't surprise me if it is our new neighbors at MassiveCorp. I need to you to come up with a realistic plan and bring it to me tomorrow afternoon. This problem must be resolved, and like everything else we do not have unlimited funds so keep that in mind." Based on this information, choose the best solution to the password local authentication problem in the Executive building.}

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Correct Answer: E

Question No. 4

For the past month, the employees in the executive building have been getting adjusted to their new authentication systems. There was a large spike in help desk calls the first week, which has gone down daily, and now there are fewer login related calls than there was when the office used passwords alone. During your weekly meeting with Blue, the authentication subject is discussed, "So far, the system is working well. Our call volume has dropped, and it seems that most people are getting used to the tokens. There is one issue, however." "Really, what's that?" you ask. "It seems that the senior executives are not that keen on carrying the new tokens around with them. They are asking for a way to authenticate without carrying anything, but still have it be secure." "All right, do we have a budget?" "Yes, however there are not that many senior executives, so the cost isn the primary issue; although we do want to keep the costs down as much as possible." "So, what limitations do I have?" "Well you need to be sure it easy to use, is unintrusive, won't require too much training, won't be all that expensive, and provides for strong authentication." Blue tells you. Based on this information, choose the best solution to the authentication problem for the senior executives on the fourth floor.}

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Correct Answer: E

Question No. 5

Now that you have MegaCorp somewhat under control, you are getting ready to go home for the night. You have made good progress on the network recently, and things seem to be going smoothly. On your way out, you stop by the CEO office and say good night. You are told that you will be meeting in the morning, so try to get in a few minutes early. The next morning, you get to the office 20 minutes earlier than normal, and the CEO stops by your office, "Thanks for coming in a bit early. No problem really, I just wanted to discuss with you a current need we have with the network." "OK, go right ahead." You know the network pretty well by now, and are ready forwhatever is thrown your way. "We are hiring 5 new salespeople, and they will all be working from home or on the road. I want to be sure that the network stays safe, and that they can get access no matter where they are." "Not a problem," you reply. "Il get the plan for this done right away." "Thanks a lot, if you have any questions for me, just let me know." You are relieved that there was not a major problem and do some background work for integrating the new remote users. After talking with the CEO more, you find out that the users will be working from there home nearly all the time, with very little access from on the road locations. The remote users are all using Windows 2000 Professional, and will be part of the domain. The CEO has purchased all the remote users brand new Compaq laptops, just like the one used in the CEO's office, and which the CEO takes home each night; complete with DVD\CD-burner drives, built-in WNICs, 17" LCD widescreen displays, oversized hard drives, a gig of memory, and fast processing. wish I was on the road to get one of those, you think. You start planning and decide that you will implement a new VPN Server next to the Web and FTP Server. You are going to assign the remote users IP Addresses:, and will configure the systems to run Windows 2000 Professional. Based on this information, and your knowledge of the MegaCorp network up to this point, choose the best solution for the secure remote user needs:}

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Correct Answer: C