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What is one trait of a servant leader?
According to the SAFe 6 Scrum Master documentation, one of the traits of a servant leader is to persuade rather than use authority. This means that the servant leader influences others by appealing to their values, beliefs, and interests, rather than by imposing their own will or position. By persuading rather than using authority, the servant leader fosters a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and trust, where team members are more likely to accept and welcome coaching, feedback, and change. Persuasion also helps the servant leader to align the team with the organization's vision, mission, and goals, and to create a shared understanding of the purpose and value of the work. (Must be taken from SAFe 6 Scrum Master resources)
Servant Leadership: A Key Driver of High-Performing Agile Teams
What is one element of the CALMR approach to DevOps?
Lean flow is one of the elements of the CALMR approach to DevOps in SAFe. It means applying lean principles and practices to optimize the flow of value from idea to production. Lean flow accelerates delivery by eliminating waste, reducing batch sizes, implementing pull systems, limiting work in process, managing queues, reducing handoffs, and applying cadence and synchronization. Lean flow enables faster feedback, shorter lead times, higher quality, and lower costs. (Must be taken from SAFe 6 Scrum Master resources)
CALMR - Scaled Agile Framework
The CALMR Approach to DevOps [Complete Guide] - KnowledgeHut
SAFe Scrum Master Course Outline
Team A has decided to use the IP Iteration to continue the finalizing Feature delivery work they have been working on for the past two Iterations. What is one effect Team A might experience by continuing to stay heads-down rather than using the IP Iteration as intended?
Team A works collaboratively on new functionality for a customer application. The acceptance criteria have each been minimally met.
Team A decides to release the functionality with a method for collecting direct customer feedback. Which of the following high-performing team characteristics is Team A demonstrating?
What is one anti-pattern of the Inspect and Adapt?
One anti-pattern of the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) is to have no actionable improvement Features created as a result of the problem-solving workshop. This is considered an anti-pattern because the main goal of the I&A workshop is to identify and address the systemic issues that are limiting the effectiveness of the Agile Release Train (ART). The workshop should produce one or more improvement Features that are added to the ART backlog and prioritized for the next PI Planning event. These Features should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) and aligned with the ART vision and goals. Without actionable improvement Features, the ART will miss the opportunity to learn and improve from the feedback and data collected during the PI.
Inspect and Adapt - Scaled Agile Framework