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What are two characteristics of teams that fear conflict? (Choose two.)
Teams that fear conflict exhibit certain characteristics that can hinder their success:
They ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success (B): When teams avoid addressing difficult or controversial issues, they miss out on resolving important problems that could impact their success. Ignoring such topics can lead to unresolved conflicts, misalignment, and suboptimal decision-making.
They fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team members (C): Fear of conflict can prevent team members from voicing their opinions and sharing diverse perspectives. This lack of open communication can result in missed opportunities for innovation and improvement, as well as decisions that do not reflect the collective wisdom of the team.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference
SAFe Principles: fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration
What is one action the Scrum Master can take to help the team achieve transparency?
Transparency: Ensuring that metrics like team velocity and work in process (WIP) accurately reflect the team's actual work provides visibility into the team's progress and capacity.
Action by Scrum Master: By monitoring and ensuring these metrics are accurate, the Scrum Master helps the team maintain transparency about their work, which is critical for making informed decisions and identifying areas for improvement.
Outcome: Accurate representation of velocity and WIP helps the team and stakeholders understand the team's performance, plan effectively, and address any issues promptly.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference:
SAFe stresses the importance of transparency in Agile teams, and accurate tracking of key metrics like velocity and WIP is a fundamental aspect of achieving this.
What is one way a Scrum Master can gain the confidence of a stakeholder?
One way a Scrum Master can gain the confidence of a stakeholder is by making the process visible. Transparency is a key principle in Agile and SAFe, as it builds trust and ensures that stakeholders are well-informed about the progress, challenges, and successes of the team. By making the process visible through tools like information radiators, progress charts, and regular updates, the Scrum Master can demonstrate accountability, foster open communication, and build stakeholder confidence in the team's ability to deliver value.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference
SAFe Principles: transparency and visibility
SAFe 5.0 framework: building stakeholder confidence through visible processes
If the distance between the arrival and departure curves on a team's cumulative flow diagram is growing apart, what is likely happening?
Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD): A CFD is a visual tool used in Kanban and Scrum to show the progress of work items through different stages of the workflow over time.
Arrival and Departure Curves: These curves represent the work items entering (arrival) and leaving (departure) the system.
Growing Distance: If the distance between the arrival and departure curves on the CFD is growing apart, it indicates that work items are taking longer to move through the system.
Lead Time: This term refers to the total time from when a work item is created until it is completed. An increasing distance between the curves means that work items are spending more time in the system, thus increasing the lead time.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference:
SAFe materials on flow metrics and Kanban principles highlight the importance of monitoring lead time and using CFDs to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the workflow.
Why are phase-gate Milestones problematic?
Phase-gate milestones are problematic because they often use documentation as a proxy for solution progress. This approach assumes that completing certain documents or passing through predefined gates accurately reflects the progress of the solution. However, in Agile methodologies, working software is the primary measure of progress. Relying on documentation can lead to a false sense of security, where teams believe they are on track based on completed paperwork rather than actual working software. This can delay the discovery of issues and hinder the ability to make necessary adjustments in a timely manner.
SAFe Scrum Master Reference
SAFe Principles: valuing working software over comprehensive documentation
SAFe 5.0 framework: the drawbacks of phase-gate milestones and the emphasis on iterative progress with working solutions