The following question will ask you to provide a line of missing code. The following program is submitted to output observations from data set ONE that have more than one record per patient.
In the space below, enter the line of code that will correctly complete the program (Case is ignored. Do not add leading or trailing spaces to your answer.).
Which SAS program will apply the data set label 'Demographics' to the data set named DEMO?
Given the following data set (AE):
Data will be reported by onset week. Day 1 ?7 is Week 1, Day 8 ?14 is Week 2. Events beyond Day 14 are assigned Week 3 and will be reported as Follow-up events. Which statements properly assign WEEK to each event?
Given the following data set:
Which program was used to prepare the data for this PROC PRINT output?
A Statistical Analysis Plan defines study day as the number of days between the visit date and the date of randomization plus one day. The following SAS program is submitted using a macro from the project's library:
How is the STUDYDAY macro defined?