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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by SAS in their SAS A00-251 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their SAS Certified Specialist Administration of SAS Viya 3.5 exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the SAS A00-251 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
The appender of a logging entity controls which aspect of the configuration for the SAS logging facility?
Which service configuration must be completed to allow LDAP users to log in to SAS Viva?
According to the official SAS Viya 3.5 documentation, the identities service must be completed to allow LDAP users to log in to SAS Viva. You can find this information in the SAS Viya 3.5 Administering Guide page 122.
The identities service configuration must be completed to allow LDAP users to log in to SAS Viva. The identities service is responsible for authenticating users and managing their identities and credentials. When configured to use an external LDAP directory, the identities service can authenticate users against the LDAP directory and retrieve their identity information, this allows the users to log in to SAS Viva using their LDAP credentials.
When submitting code remotely from an existing SAS client session using RSUBMIT, which server would process the code and return the results?
When submitting code remotely from an existing SAS client session using RSUBMIT, the SAS Workspace Server processes the code and returns the results. The RSUBMIT statement is used to submit SAS code to a remote SAS session, it connects the existing SAS client session to a remote SAS Workspace server and the code is executed on that remote server.
The SAS Compute Server is a computational engine that processes the analytics and modeling workloads. The SAS Launcher Server is responsible for managing the execution of SAS programs, it is responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring the jobs and flows. SAS/CONNECT Server is a server that allows you to establish a connection between your SAS session and remote SAS servers, it's not responsible for processing the code.
According to the official SAS Viya 3.5 documentation, the SAS Workspace Server is the server that provides the processing and results when using RSUBMIT. You can find this information in the SAS Viya 3.5 Administering Guide page 31
By default, what happens when a table is loaded in a distributed (MPP) CAS server?
When a table is loaded in a distributed (MPP) CAS server, the controller distributes the rows of the table to the worker nodes. This allows for parallel processing of the data, which can improve performance. The controller also ensures that a redundant copy of the rows is available for fault tolerance. This means that if a worker node fails, the data can still be accessed from another worker node.
According to the SAS Documentation for the MPP Loader procedure, the default behavior is that the controller distributes the rows to the worker nodes and ensures a redundant copy of the rows is available for fault tolerance. This is stated in the documentation as follows: 'By default, the MPP Loader procedure distributes the table rows among the worker nodes and ensures that two copies of the rows exist. This provides fault tolerance should one of the worker nodes fail.'
Which statement is TRUE about a SAS programming-only deployment?
According to the official SAS Viya 3.5 documentation, a SAS programming-only deployment includes SAS Studio, which connects to the SAS Workspace Server. You can find this information in the SAS Viya 3.5 Administering Guide page 18