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As a solution architect, you are in a meeting about the design of a new application to manage the delivery process of goods or services. The extension will be maintained by the line of business (as opposed to IT).
The following application parameters/features are discussed:
* Tracking deliveries in real-time
* Optimizing delivery routes
* Providing delivery notifications to customers.
* Scaling according to usage
* Maintenance downtime must be short.
Which extension type is best suited for this application?
A customer's sales department is having problems with governmental authorities dealing with transparency around logging events related to security and other compliance topics.
As an SAP Solution Architect, which SAP BTP service would you recommend for being compliant with regulations?
What are some activities in the "Assess your integration strategy" phase of the SAP Integration Solution Advisory Methodology? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Given the following use case parameters:
* End users will need to restart messages in SAP S/4HANA using SAP AIF
* End users will need to change message payload in SAP S/4HANA using SAP AIF
* Clean core integration principles are to be applied.
Which of the following could be used as an "adapter" in the attached diagram? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
You are a solution architect helping to design a custom-built application for business users. You must follow these use case parameters:
* The application requires data solely from SAP S/4HANA Cloud public edition.
* The application supports create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.
* If multiple backend protocols are applicable the one with the fastest performance is to be used.
Which of the following combinations would you recommend for the application design?