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What objects are used to create a Purchasing Info Record? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question
A Purchasing Info Record is created using a Purchasing Organization (B), Material Master (C), and Vendor (D). The Purchasing Info Record contains data related to the procurement of a specific material from a vendor, managed by a purchasing organization, including pricing, delivery terms, and vendor-specific material information. Reference = SAP Material Management (MM) documentation and purchasing setup guides.
What types of procedures may be used to perform a cross-plant stock transfer? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question
Cross-Plant Stock Transfers: SAP enables various procedures for transferring stock between plants, which can vary based on the complexity, tracking, and documentation requirements.
Procedures Used:
A . Stock Transport Order Without Delivery: This method involves creating a stock transport order (STO) without the need for a delivery document, typically used for simpler transfers.
C . Two-Step Procedure: Involves two distinct steps: a goods issue at the sending plant and a goods receipt at the receiving plant, allowing for better tracking and control.
D . One-Step Procedure: Combines goods issue and receipt into a single step, simplifying the process but with less granular tracking.
Choosing a Procedure: The choice of procedure depends on the business requirements, such as the need for tracking, the distance between plants, and the type of materials being transferred.
SAP Material Management (MM) Guide
SAP Best Practices for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
What is one advantage of using stock transport orders instead of stock transfers?
Stock Transport Orders: Stock transport orders (STOs) are used within an organization to transfer stock from one plant to another. This process involves a goods issue at the sending plant and a goods receipt at the receiving plant.
Advantage of STOs:
Monitoring and Transparency: The use of PO history in STOs allows for detailed monitoring of the goods issue and goods receipt processes. This enhances transparency and traceability in the stock transfer process.
Control and Documentation: STOs provide better control over internal stock transfers, with documentation through the purchase order system, which is beneficial for audit trails and internal controls.
Implementation Steps:
Create STO: In the SAP system, create a stock transport order from the supplying plant to the receiving plant.
Monitor Goods Issue and Receipt: Use the PO history to monitor the goods issue at the sending plant and the goods receipt at the receiving plant, ensuring the process is completed as intended.
SAP Best Practices for Supply Chain Management
SAP Help Portal on Stock Transport Orders
What maintenance order elements are included in an operation? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question
Maintenance Order Operations: Operations within a maintenance order define the detailed tasks or activities to be performed. They include specifics such as the work center where the task will be performed, the standard time required to complete the task, and the type of activity being performed.
Elements Included:
C . Work Center: Specifies where the operation will take place and often includes information on the capacity and capabilities of the location or group responsible for the task.
D . Standard Time: Indicates the planned duration or effort required to complete the operation, often based on historical data or standard work measurements.
E . Activity Type: Defines the nature of the work being performed (e.g., electrical, mechanical) and is linked to cost rates for calculating costs associated with the operation.
Implementation in SAP: When creating or editing a maintenance order in the SAP Plant Maintenance (PM) module, operations are added with details on work centers, standard times, and activity types to ensure accurate planning, scheduling, and costing.
SAP Plant Maintenance (PM) Guide
SAP Help Portal on Maintenance Orders
What information do you maintain for a general ledger account on company code level?
Account Currency Definition: In SAP S/4HANA, when you maintain a general ledger (G/L) account on the company code level, one of the key pieces of information you specify is the account currency. This setting determines the currency in which the account will be managed and in which financial transactions related to this account will be recorded.
Implementation Steps:
Access the G/L Account Master: Navigate to the Financial Accounting module, then to General Ledger Accounting, and access the G/L Account Master Data.
Specify Company Code: Enter the relevant company code to ensure you are configuring the account at the company code level.
Enter Account Currency: In the account master data, specify the currency that this account will use. This is critical for transactions, reporting, and compliance purposes.
Dependencies and Considerations:
The account currency must align with the company's operational currency or the currency requirements of specific transactions.
Currency settings impact how transactions are converted and reported in financial statements.
SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting Configuration Guide
SAP Official Documentation on G/L Account Master Data