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You are using a standard three system landscape. DEV. QAS, and PRO
In which case will a change of a repository object in the QAS system be treated as correction?
The SAP Fiori launchpad is working for your users
How can you enable access to the SAP Easy Access menu tor them in the app tinder?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
In SAP S/4HANA, the SAP Fiori launchpad is a central entry point for SAP Fiori apps. It provides a role-based, personalized aggregation of business apps for users. To enhance user experience and provide access to traditional SAP GUI transactions, certain configurations can be made:
B) By applying the correct settings in the SAP Fiori launchpad configuration (transaction /UI2/FLP_SYS_CONF or /UI2/FLP_CUS_CONF): These transactions allow administrators to configure system-wide or customer-specific settings for the Fiori launchpad. By setting the right parameters here, administrators can enable access to the SAP Easy Access menu within the Fiori launchpad, thereby integrating traditional SAP GUI transactions into the modern Fiori user experience.
D) By assigning the correct target mappings, shipped via catalog /UI2/CLASSICAL_GUI_MENU: This catalog contains target mappings that point to traditional SAP GUI transactions. By assigning these target mappings to the user roles, users can access SAP Easy Access menu items directly from the Fiori launchpad. This integration provides a seamless experience, allowing users to utilize Fiori apps alongside traditional SAP GUI transactions without needing to switch between interfaces.
This approach ensures that users can access a wide range of applications from a single entry point, combining the modern Fiori UX with the comprehensive functionality of traditional SAP transactions.
Which of the following protocols is SAP's RFC protocol based on? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
SAP's Remote Function Call (RFC) protocol is based on the Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C) (B) and TCP/IP (C) standards. CPI-C is a low-level API for inter-program communication, providing a basis for the RFC protocol's communication mechanisms. TCP/IP serves as the underlying transport protocol, enabling network communication between SAP systems and between SAP systems and external systems. This combination allows RFC to facilitate reliable, efficient communication across diverse network environments. EDI (A) and OData (D) are not directly related to the foundational technologies of SAP's RFC protocol.
You have configured an SAP Web Dispatcher and set:
* wdisp/ssl_encrypt=2
* icm/server_port_
Which communication channels does this establish?
Which parameters are mandatory when using the HDBLCM tool to install the SAP HANA database system in batch mode? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question