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In the Optimized Design Experience, which SAP Analytics Cloud tool replaces Explorer?
In the Optimized Design Experience, Data Analyzer is a new tool that replaces Explorer. Data Analyzer allows you to quickly create ad hoc analysis based on models or datasets. You can use Data Analyzer to explore data, create charts and tables, apply filters and calculations, and save your analysis as stories. Data Analyzer is similar to Explorer, but with some enhancements and new features, such as:
Support for both models and datasets
Support for planning models
Support for story calculations
Support for linked analysis
Support for responsive pages
Therefore, the correct answer isData Analyzer, as it is the tool that replaces Explorer in the Optimized Design Experience
What are data sources for stories?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A data source is an object that contains data that you can use to create stories or other objects in SAP Analytics Cloud. There are four types of data sources in SAP Analytics Cloud:
Model: A model is a structured representation of your data that defines how the data is organized and calculated. You can create models by importing data from various sources or connecting to live data systems.
Dataset: A dataset is a type of data source that allows you to import data from files
What story option can help you create a story as a launchpad to other stories?
The story option that can help you create a story as a launchpad to other stories is hyperlink. A hyperlink is a link that allows users to navigate from one location to another by clicking on it. You can use hyperlinks to link widgets, text, or images in a story to other stories in SAP Analytics Cloud, creating a launchpad effect. Input control, linked analysis, and RSS feed are not story options that can help you create a story as a launchpad to other stories; they are options that can help you filter data, link widgets, or display news feeds in a story. Verified Reference: [SAP Analytics Cloud - Hyperlinks]
Which element is NOT available in the Optimized Design Experience?
The Optimized Design Experience is a new user interface for SAP Analytics Cloud that simplifies and enhances the story design process. The Optimized Design Experience introduces some new elements and tools, such as Data Analyzer, Point of Interest, Time Series chart, etc. However, it also removes some elements and tools that are available in the Classic Design Experience, such as Grid page, Explorer, Digital Boardroom, etc. Therefore, the correct answer isGrid page, as it is the element that is not available in the Optimized Design Experience.
Which story data source does NOT require a model be created in SAP Analytics Cloud?