You are using mass data entry mode. After you enter new transaction data, what can you do with
the data?
Note: There is 1 correct answer to this question
You enter plan values by year and product group. You want to allocate these values to months and products in proportion to last year's actual dat
a. What dimension do you add to the allocation process to achieve this? Note: There is 1 correct answer to this question
What granular filter can you use in a rolling forecast layout? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
When training a smart predict model, which entity has the most accurate forecast? Note: There is 1 correct answer to this question
You create an input form with a restricted measure called "Current Year Plan" based on the amount measure and date set to current year. In the attached image, what is used to display the selected year as a columheader?
Note: There is 1 correct answer to this question