Free SAP C_S43_2022 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C_S43_2022 were last updated On Feb 15, 2025

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Question No. 1

Which views can you assign to an equipment category via a view profile? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question?

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Correct Answer: A, D

An equipment category defines the technical characteristics of an equipment and the views that are available for it. A view profile is a set of views that can be assigned to an equipment category. The views that can be assigned to an equipment category via a view profile are:

Basic data








Manufacturer data

Measurement document




User fields

Serial data


Object links

Time-dependent data

Linear data

Geographical data

Maintenance plan

Maintenance item

Maintenance task list

Maintenance order

Maintenance notification

Service order

Service notification

Service contract

Service confirmation

Service quotation

Service request

Service plan

Service item

Service task list

Service product

Service product allocation

Service product structure

Service product location

Service product partner

Service product status

Service product classification

Service product documents

Service product permits

Service product user fields

Service product serial data

Service product configuration

Service product object links

Service product time-dependent data

Service product linear data

Service product geographical data

Among these views, the ones that match the options given in the question are Warranty and Manufacturer data. Therefore, the correct answers are A and D.


SAP Help Portal - Equipment Category

SAP Help Portal - View Profile

Question No. 2

You want to create a maintenance order with an external order operation that includes service items.

How can you achieve this? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question

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Correct Answer: C, D

Question No. 3

What are the prerequisites for serializing a piece of equipment? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question

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Correct Answer: C, D, E

Serializing a piece of equipment means assigning a unique serial number to identify and track the equipment throughout its lifecycle. The prerequisites for serializing a piece of equipment are:

Assign a serial number profile to the equipment category. This defines the rules for creating and managing serial numbers for the equipment, such as the number range, the check digit, and the serial number usage. The serial number profile is assigned in the Customizing activity Define Equipment Categories under Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Technical Objects -> Equipment -> Equipment Categories.

Assign a serial number profile to the related material master. This ensures that the material and the equipment have the same serial number profile and that the serial number is automatically copied from the material to the equipment. The serial number profile is assigned in the material master data in the Plant Data/Stor. 1 view under Serial Number Profile.

Maintain a serial number for an existing equipment master. This can be done either manually or automatically. Manually, you can enter the serial number in the equipment master data in the Serial Data view under Serial Number. Automatically, you can link the equipment with a serialized material and the serial number will be copied from the material to the equipment. This linking can be done either with a goods movement or manually.

The options that are not prerequisites for serializing a piece of equipment are:

Add a serialized material to the equipment serial data view. This is not a prerequisite, but rather a possible way to link the equipment with a serialized material and copy the serial number from the material to the equipment. However, this can only be done if the serial number profile is already assigned to both the equipment category and the material master.

Assign a serial number profile to an additional business view for equipment category. This is not a valid option, as the serial number profile is assigned to the equipment category itself, not to any additional business view.


Serial Number Management

Explaining Refurbishment of Spare Parts

Question No. 4

You want to set up a general maintenance task list for inspection rounds using the overall time confirmation as a simplified way to record measurement documents. What do you need to do? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question

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Correct Answer: A, B

To set up a general maintenance task list for inspection rounds using the overall time confirmation as a simplified way to record measurement documents, you need to do the following steps:

Assign a piece of equipment with an allocated measuring point to a task list operation. This will allow you to inspect the equipment and record the measurement readings for the measuring point during the inspection round.You can assign the equipment either manually or automatically using the object list in the task list header1.

Assign a measuring point as a production resources/tools (PRT) to a task list operation. This will allow you to inspect the measuring point and record the measurement readings for it during the inspection round.You can assign the measuring point either manually or automatically using the PRT category 0010 (Measuring Point) in the task list operation1.

You do not need to assign an inspection lot to the task list header, as this is not required for inspection rounds.Inspection lots are used for quality inspections that are triggered by events such as goods receipt, production order, or sales order2.

You do not need to assign an inspection document as a PRT to the task list operation, as this is not supported for inspection rounds.Inspection documents are used for quality inspections that are based on inspection plans and inspection characteristics2.References:PM - General maintenance task listandSet up your SAP S/4HANA system for EAM Inspection Checklistsin SAP Help Portal.

Question No. 5

You are analyzing the data transfer of the cost center of a piece of equipment. What are the possible data origins? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question

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Correct Answer: A, C