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You want to match the outbound data to the destination platform's format.Which normalization rules can be applied? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
The SAP Customer Data Platform allows for the application of normalization rules to outbound data to ensure it matches the destination platform's format. The normalization options include:
Remove punctuation: This rule removes all punctuation marks from the data, which can be necessary for formats that do not accept such characters.
Find and replace: This rule replaces an expression (text, numerical sequence, etc.) with a different expression, allowing for customization of data to fit the destination's requirements.
Remove spaces: This rule removes all spaces from the data, which is useful for platforms that require data without spaces, such as in certain phone number formats.
These rules help in transforming the data to meet the specific format requirements of various destination platforms.
How would you ingest data from the database published with the JDBC interface?
To ingest data from a database that provides a JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) interface, leveraging the capabilities of the SAP Integration Suite can be an effective approach:
A . Create an iFlow in SAP Integration Suite and then use a custom connector to connect via the iFlow: SAP Integration Suite, particularly its Cloud Integration capability, allows for the creation of integration flows (iFlows) that facilitate the connection and data exchange between various systems and applications. By creating an iFlow, one can design a custom integration scenario that includes connecting to a JDBC-enabled database. This approach may involve utilizing a custom connector or adapter within the iFlow to establish the JDBC connection, thereby enabling the ingestion of data into the SAP Customer Data Platform or other SAP systems.
This method provides the flexibility and power of SAP Integration Suite's integration tools, allowing for tailored data ingestion workflows that meet specific requirements, including those involving JDBC databases.
SAP Integration Suite documentation on creating iFlows and custom connectors.
Tutorials and guides on integrating JDBC databases with SAP systems using SAP Integration Suite.
The search API for a single customer record does not show any segments tied to the profile, but you can see the segments in the customer dashboard. What could be the reason for this?
The issue described could be due to incorrect permissions for the API authorization keys. When the permissions are not set up correctly, the search API may not return segment data tied to a customer profile, even though these segments are visible in the customer dashboard. Proper configuration of API authorization keys is essential to ensure that the search API has the necessary permissions to access and return all relevant data, including customer segments.
Which of the following triggers are supported in CX flows? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Within the SAP Customer Data Platform, CX flows are designed to be triggered by specific events that signify a change or an action related to a customer or group. The supported triggers for CX flows include:
Event occurrence: This trigger is activated when a specific event is ingested into the platform, indicating an action or change has occurred.
Customer or group update: This trigger responds to any updates made to customer or group attributes within the platform.
Segment membership: This trigger is based on the inclusion or exclusion of a customer or group within a particular segment, reflecting their changing status or behavior.
These triggers enable the SAP Customer Data Platform to react in real-time to changes in customer data, allowing businesses to deliver personalized experiences at crucial moments in the customer journey.