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Using ABAP SQL, which select statement selects the mat field on line #17?
Using ABAP SQL, the select statement that selects the mat field on line #17 is:
SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_cds_so_i_ve...
The other options are not valid because:
A . SELECT mat FROM Material... is not valid because Material is not a valid data source in the given code. There is no CDS view or database table named Material.
C . SELECT mat FROM demo_sales_so_i... is not valid because demo_sales_so_i is not a valid data source in the given code. There is no CDS view named demo_sales_so_i, only a database table. To access a database table, the keyword TABLE must be used, such as SELECT mat FROM TABLE demo_sales_so_i...
D . SELECT mat FROM demo sales cds material ve... is not valid because demo sales cds material ve is not a valid data source in the given code. There is no CDS view or database table named demo sales cds material ve. The correct name of the CDS view is demo_sales_cds_material_ve, with underscores instead of spaces.
Which of the following actions cause an indirect change to a database table requiring a table conversion? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
The following are the explanations for each action:
A: Renaming a field in a structure that is included in the table definition causes an indirect change to the database table, as the field name in the table is derived from the structure. This change requires a table conversion, as the existing data in the table must be copied to a new table with the new field name, and the old table must be deleted.
B: Changing the field labels of a data element that is used in the table definition does not cause an indirect change to the database table, as the field labels are only used for documentation and display purposes. This change does not require a table conversion, as the existing data in the table is not affected by the change.
C: Deleting a field from a structure that is included in the table definition causes an indirect change to the database table, as the field is removed from the table as well. This change requires a table conversion, as the existing data in the table must be copied to a new table without the deleted field, and the old table must be deleted.
D: Shortening the length of a domain used in a data element that is used in the table definition causes an indirect change to the database table, as the field length in the table is derived from the domain. This change requires a table conversion, as the existing data in the table must be checked for compatibility with the new field length, and any data that exceeds the new length must be truncated or rejected.
What RESTful Application Programming feature is used to ensure the uniqueness of a semantic key?
The other RESTful Application Programming features are not used to ensure the uniqueness of a semantic key, but have different purposes and effects. These features are:
Which statement can you use to change the contents of a row of data in an internal table?
The statement that can be used to change the contents of a row of data in an internal table is MODIFY table. The MODIFY table statement can be used to change the contents of one or more rows of an internal table, either by specifying the table index, the table key, or a condition. The MODIFY table statement can also be used to change the contents of a database table, by specifying the table name and a work area or an internal table. The MODIFY table statement can use the TRANSPORTING addition to specify which fields should be changed, and the WHERE addition to specify which rows should be changed.
The other statements are not suitable for changing the contents of a row of data in an internal table, as they have different purposes and effects. These statements are:
APPEND table: This statement can be used to add a new row of data to the end of an internal table, either by specifying a work area or an inline declaration. The APPEND table statement does not change the existing rows of the internal table, but only increases the number of rows by one.
INSERT table: This statement can be used to insert a new row of data into an internal table, either by specifying the table index, the table key, or a sorted position. The INSERT table statement does not change the existing rows of the internal table, but only shifts them to make room for the new row. The INSERT table statement can also be used to insert a new row of data into a database table, by specifying the table name and a work area or an inline declaration.
UPDATE table: This statement can be used to update the contents of a database table, by specifying the table name and a work area or an internal table. The UPDATE table statement can use the SET addition to specify which fields should be updated, and the WHERE addition to specify which rows should be updated. The UPDATE table statement does not affect the internal table, but only the corresponding database table.
In this nested join below in which way is the join evaluated?
The nested join is evaluated from the top to the bottom in the order of the ON conditions. This means that the join expression is formed by assigning each ON condition to the directly preceding JOIN from left to right. The join expression can be parenthesized implicitly or explicitly to show the order of evaluation. In this case, the implicit parentheses are as follows:
SELECT * FROM (a INNER JOIN (b INNER JOIN c ON b~c = c~c) ON a~b = b~b)
This means that the first join expression is b INNER JOIN c ON b~c = c~c, which joins the columns of tables b and c based on the condition that b~c equals c~c. The second join expression is a INNER JOIN (b INNER JOIN c ON b~c = c~c) ON a~b = b~b, which joins the columns of table a and the result of the first join expression based on the condition that a~b equals b~b. The final result set contains all combinations of rows from tables a, b, and c that satisfy both join conditions.