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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Salesforce in their Salesforce User-Experience-Designer exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Salesforce User-Experience-Designer exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
A developer is creating a Lightning Web Component (LWC) and wants to make sure the visual experience is consistent with Cloud Kicks' branding. The developer asks their UX Designer about the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) styling hooks.
How should the designer describe them?
The designer should describe SLDS styling hooks as custom CSS properties that can easily style base and custom components. Styling hooks are placeholders in the SLDS style sheet that allow developers to customize the look and feel of their Lightning components by using the corresponding CSS custom properties. For example, the developer can change the background color of a button by setting the value of the --slds-c-button-brand-color-background custom property. Styling hooks are especially useful when working with web components and shadow DOM, as they enable component-level customizations without affecting the global styles. Styling hooks also provide consistency and performance benefits, as they leverage the SLDS design tokens and the native browser support for CSS custom properties.Reference:
:Styling Hooks - Lightning Design System
:SLDS Styling Hooks | Lightning Web Components Developer Guide | Salesforce Developers
:SLDS Styling hooks in Lightning web components - Forcetrails
The designer should describe the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) styling hooks as using standard CSS properties to easily style base and custom components. SLDS styling hooks allow developers to quickly and easily apply CSS classes to HTML elements, enabling consistent styling across both base and custom components. This allows developers to quickly and easily apply branding and styling to their Lightning Web Components, without needing to write custom CSS. For more information about SLDS styling hooks, please see the following Salesforce documentation:
Cloud Kicks has a content-rich set of record pages and wants its UX Design team to organize and consolidate them.
Which Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) component should be used to organize and consolidate content?
A group of sales users needs to be guided step by step through a new process using Floating or Decked Prompts.
Their administrative teamwants to the ability to see the adoption of this assistance via Reports and Dashboards.
The other options are not suitable for this scenario because:
: [In-App Guidance Walkthroughs: Getting Started for Sales Users]
: [In-App Guidance Dashboard: Walkthrough Engagement]
: [In-App Guidance in Lightning Experience]
: [Salesforce Flow | Salesforce Developer Center]
: [Salesforce Flow Workflow Automation Tools -]
: [The Complete Guide to Salesforce Flow | Salesforce Ben]
: [Trailhead | The fun way to learn]
: [Editions & Pricing - myTrailhead- Salesforce]
: [Salesforce introduces myTrailhead, a personal learning platform ...]
: [Trailhead | The fun way to learn Salesforce]
: [Getting Started with myTrailhead - Salesforce]
Users from a small group within a sales teams have complained about an object that is often used only by them that has not been a edit to their lighting app due to small volume of users the administrator is not considering a new app for them
Which two salesforce features should be suggested to improve the end-user experience ?