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A sales representative wants to prioritize their leads based on the likelihood to buy.
Which leads should be given the highest priority?
Sales-qualified leads are leads that have been vetted by both marketing and sales teams and have expressed a clear interest in buying. They have gone through the stages of lead generation, lead nurturing, and lead qualification, and have met the criteria for being ready to buy. Sales-qualified leads should be given the highest priority, as they are the most likely to convert into customers and generate revenue.Reference:
Cert Prep: Salesforce Certified Sales Representative, unit ''Sales Strategy and Planning''.
The Ultimate Guide to Lead Prioritization, section ''Focus on inbound leads''.
A sales representative is fulfilling an order using the step-by-step instructions for that specific customer
What are these instructions known as?
A junior sales representative is trying to develop relationships with customers in an industry that is changing rapidly. In addition, the number of channels to engage with customers has increased.
How can the sales rep identify the most effective way to communicate with new and existing customers?
In an industry that's rapidly changing and with increasing channels to engage customers, a junior sales representative can identify the most effective communication methods by collaborating with internal departments. Teams such as marketing, customer service, and others who interact with customers can provide insights into customer preferences and effective communication strategies. This collaborative approach allows for a broader understanding of customer behaviors and trends, leading to more tailored and effective engagement strategies. Salesforce encourages cross-departmental collaboration to leverage diverse insights and expertise, enhancing customer engagement efforts.
A Universal Containers sales representative is working with an account prospect to get them more comfortable with the company's offerings and solutions.
Which approach would help the sales rep educate the prospect about their offerings and solutions?
A sales representative is negotiating with a customer to renew their agreement. Historically, the customer has been unwilling to purchase additional products due to cost concerns.
Which type of strategy should the sales rep use?
A type of strategy that the sales rep should use when negotiating with a customer who has been unwilling to purchase additional products due to cost concerns is bundle pricing. Bundle pricing is a pricing strategy that involves offering a set of products or services together at a lower price than if they were sold separately. Bundle pricing can help the sales rep to increase the perceived value of the solution, cross-sell or upsell additional products or services, and differentiate from competitors. Bundle pricing can also help the customer to save money, simplify the purchase decision, and meet their needs more effectively.Reference: [Sales Rep Training: Negotiate and Close], [Cert Prep: Salesforce Certified Sales Representative: Negotiate and Close]