Free Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Professional Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Salesforce-Maps-Professional were last updated On Feb 24, 2025

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Question No. 1

The marketing team would like to determine the best location for an upcoming customer event and add customers to a marketing campaign. How can Salesforce Maps help marketing teams with this initiative?

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Question No. 2

What are two considerations a Salesforce admin should keep in mind when setting up the OAuth user in order to establish a secure connection with the Salesforce Maps Routing Engine?

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Correct Answer: B, C

These are two considerations that a Salesforce admin should keep in mind when setting up the OAuth user in order to establish a secure connection with the Salesforce Maps Routing Engine.An OAuth user is required to perform optimizations for routes in Advanced Routing4.The OAuth user should have the following permissions and roles6:

The OAuth user should have the Salesforce Maps Advanced Permission Set License assigned.

The OAuth user should have the Maps Admin and SF Maps Advanced Permission Sets assigned.

The OAuth User has been assigned to a role that is above the Maps Advanced end-users in the Salesforce Role Hierarchy. The OAuth user does not need to be assigned to an active visit plan, as this is not relevant for setting up an OAuth user. The OAuth user does not need to be assigned to the 'OAuth user' profile, as this is not a valid profile in Salesforce.

Question No. 5

Users would like to display closely-related markers colored according to their density. What render mode would provide this functionality?

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Correct Answer: D

heatmap is a render mode that can display closely-related markers colored according to their density. A heatmap is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. A heatmap can show the intensity of data points in an area, such as the number of customers or sales volume.