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Your requirements include integrating social media channels into Omni-Channel. Which platform facilitates this?
Integrating social media channels into Omni-Channel requires a blend of Salesforce capabilities: A. Salesforce Social Studio manages engagement and inquiries across social media platforms. B. Flow Builder allows for the creation of automated processes that respond to social media interactions. C. Omni-Channel routing rules can be configured to direct social media messages to the most appropriate agents based on the content and context. This combination of tools facilitates effective integration and management of social media interactions within a Contact Center environment.
Your data includes duplicate records across legacy systems. Which tool helps prevent duplicate creation in Salesforce?
To prevent the creation of duplicate records in Salesforce during data migration from legacy systems, several tools and features should be employed in concert: A. Matching rules help define the criteria for identifying duplicates. B. Data Import Wizard includes settings to prevent duplicates during the import process. C. Workflow Rules can be configured to automatically trigger deduplication logic when specific conditions are met. Using these tools together enhances the prevention of duplicates, ensuring better data quality and integrity post-migration.
(a) Executing test reports and verifying that they generate as expected with accurate data and relevant visualizations.
Your customer focuses on cost efficiency. How can future functionality contribute to cost reduction?
Your customer wants to improve agent productivity. Which future functionality could be most impactful?