Refer to the screenshot that shows the Home page.
A Salesforce associate wants to reorder items in their instance so the Reports tab appears immediately after Home.
What should the associate do to customize the items on the navigation bar?
A Salesforce associate wants to filter a Lead report by a secondary industry field.
Who would the associate typically work with to get a new field added in their Salesforce org?
The salesforce account executive for Get Cloudy Consulting's (GCC) advises the company to use United Clouds to assist with its transition to using Salesforce as its CRM. GCC also plans to add an app in salesforce from Connected Mail.
What is the role of each of these companies?
Get Cloudy Consulting (GCC) wants to simplify its sales teams Account Record page with the following recommendations:
* Adding tabs
* Hiding components
* Making fields conditionally visible
Where should GCC's Salesforce associate go to draft these changes for review?
A salesforce associate at Get cloudy Consulting is configuring object access. The requirements are:
Sales Manager must have the same access to Opportunities.
Marketing managers must have the same access to Campaigns.
What is the recommend approach to configuring their access?